Making My Sify Broadband Wireless HELP!


I've been trying forever but I can't seem to set up my wireless connection with Sify Broadband. According to my router manual I first make all the proper connections to my router (LAN wire into the router, RJ-45 wire from the router to the NIC, and the router plugged in and turned on). Then I go into my Network Settings and configure my TCP/IP settings to obtain the IP Automatically. This however creates a problem since the Sify BBC (Broadband Client) needs a specific IP that they provide. Anyways after that, I configure my router and select the PPPOE setting (I'm guessing that is what Sify uses since it prompts you for an account name and passoword). The I fire up Sify BBC and it freezed every single time. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
do the following steps ...

- Log in to the router

- disable DHCP On the router

-clear the ppoe setting .. u dont need this

- Change the router ip to some ip other then your sify IP .. pref 192.168.x.x /24

- Secure your wireless router using the inbuilt encryption ...

- connect your lan cable to the modem

- Log n to your pc

- Connect to the wireless ssid

- go to your wireless nic and change the tcp/ip setting to the sify given one ..
at this point u will not be able to manage your wireleess router ..

- connect to sify ..
- in this way you are using your wireless router as a hub ...
After the legal issues sify faced after the mumbai bombings , they have MAC binded the connections . ie connectivity can only be achieved if your MAC address is validated , which isnt happening because you have a wireless router.

best way to proceed in this case is to contact sify broadband .