Man kills toddler

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how about educating people on good parenting to prevent these things before they happen ?
^^ that sounds like a more mature answer and attempt! But it would go down the drain! :)

One must realise the culture and ppl in USA are like that. Only situations make human beings bring out the animal that they are.
scarsinme said:
One must realise the culture and ppl in USA are like that.

One has to wonder about the kind of exposure you've had to humans in India itself to say that people in america are like that, the actual fact is people everywhere are like that.

Also I'd be a bit amazed if anyone found this news shocking, everything goes these days. I don't really think it warrants posting but whatever.
Decadent_Spectre said:
One has to wonder about the kind of exposure you've had to humans in India itself to say that people in america are like that, the actual fact is people everywhere are like that.

True. But waht i actually meant was, the parent - child relationship. I read this sometime before in deccan chronicle. It said, indian teens are the happiest in the world. The reason is that parents take care of them till there 20's. But in US it is not the same. In US, ppl actually are a bit selfish, but that is because of how they were brot up and they will take years to change.

In india Parents live for the children, but this scenario is also slowly changing with couples fighting over their own selfish career/money/independence/Living space/office-colleague-relationships/balls.. children are getting affected in the end! :@ :@

India would become like usa very soon!

Hope we guys learn from other's mistakes
True things are a bit worse in states but they are certainly rosy here in india either. These things have stopped to shock me any more. Parents killing toddlers. Man killing his friend coz he refused to give back his sword in WOW. Such news have lost its shock value.
A man killed his baby daughter because she tripped over and disconnected his Xbox 360 from the power source.

They happen everywhere, even in India. They end up getting more exposure in developed countries.
Yep, Its not that such incidents don't happen in India. In USA and other such developed countries such cases are exposed and brought to trial. In Our very great India that simply doesn't happen. same case with corruption. In USA they take bribes to do wrong things. In India a bribe has to be given even for a person to do what should be the persons rightful duty.

I don't understand why people always criticize US for everything they do like the war against Iraq or Afghans. They had already paid for being neutral long time back and now they will not allow any country to stand above them. They will ensure that their country stays like that by any means necessary. As for our politicians they will care less if tomorrow china comes along and claim Kashmir as their own. i.e unless its election season.
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