Manage multiple BOINC projects from a single page!

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Hi there!

If you,like me, run multiple projects (i run WCG & Einstein@Home),it must be really tedious for configuring each project individually.

Go to this site

Grid Republic, computing, distributed,, prediction@home, lhc@home, einstein@home, seti@home, boinc, gridrepublic, Picador Multimedia

and register yourself there.Now you can manage all your projects from a single page.

According to the BOINC home page,

An account manager is a web site that simplifies participating in BOINC, especially if you are new to BOINC, or if you have several computers, participate in several projects, or like to learn about new projects. The account manager concept was conceived and developed jointly by GridRepublic and BOINC.

More info and more such account managers can be found on this page.

Account managers


Unless you have 3-4 pcs laying around its better to concentrate on 1 thing and put your efforts in it.

And its personal choice what you want to concentrate on. But for single PC environment its best to stick to 1 project.

I left Seti as i found this cause more worthy of immediate attention. :)
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