Mandriva Linux Assembly groups all stakeholders in an environment conducive to communication and permits an exchange of views across a broad band of subjects to enable a more comprehensive understanding of the logic underlying the choice of distribution and to promote a more collective approach to decision-making. The Assembly’s principal task is to sustain communication between users, developers and the society inside Community.
Who are the members and group undertaking MLA : -
- Mandriva User Groups (MUGs): 1 representative per country or group of countries. We believe existing user associations could supply highly suitable candidates. The conditions for membership will be decided by users themselves in each country.
- Mandriva Cooker: five Mandriva Cooker Chefs will be elected by the Cooker community. Once again we leave the choice of Chefs to community members but we believe it would be useful for the different types of activity within the community to be represented (testers, packagers, translators)
- Mandriva company: Mandriva will represented by 5 members: 2 from the French team (Anne Nicolas, Frédéric Crozat), 2 from the Brazilian team (Gustavo Pichorim Boiko, Claudio Matsuoka) and Romain d'Alverny for all web infrastructure.
More Info : Community Assembly | Mandriva | The Official Mandriva Blog Blog Archive Mandriva Linux Assembly