Manhunt 2 Under Fire Again!!!

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Even Sony? This is sad! Sony should change their policies quick as the gaming and consoles appeal to the older audiences now much more than ever, the consoles could actually do with a some AO rated games. Very disappointed.

Hopefully, Rockstar will find some way to get MH2 on PS2, PSP and PC.
Sure it was in an email crowing about Take-Two's recent woes over the preliminary Adults Only rating for Manhunt 2, but he said it.

Specifically, Thompson said that the ESRB has done something that "indicates is(SIC) might be trustworthy" and that "this development is a HUGE benefit to the video game industry. It fits nicely with their argument that the ESRB ratings are real and actually mean something."

"This is all absolutely delicious. I warned Take-Two months ago that there would be huge problems if it went ahead with Manhunt 2. Who was right about that kiddies?

Secondly, the BBC and the world are now laughing at Take-Two Chairman Strauss Zelnick for his idiotic statement yesterday that Manhunt 2 is "a fine piece of art." Find the BBC story on that!

Right, and Jack the Ripper was his generation's Rembrandt. Please.

Take-Two has been hemorrhaging cash over the last few financial quarters, and this must makes it worse. I love it.

If you all would stop and think about this for a minute, this development is a HUGE benefit to the video game industry. It fits nicely with their argument that the ESRB ratings are real and actually mean something.

Responsible people within the industry, even Doug Lowenstein, have been saying for quite sometime that Take-Two had become a problem for the entire industry because it was painting a bullseye on the back of the whole industry and making it more difficult for the industry to get US politicians off its back.

Now the ESRB does something that indicates is might be trustworthy, and you nitwits go bonkers because of that development.

Grow up and smell the hot coffee. This is the best thing that could have happened to the industry. The isolation and ostracism of Take-Two by the industry was long overdue.

Now that it has come, rejoice.

Jack Thompson, Attorney, and you're not

Endorsement: Jack Thompson Says ESRB Ratings Work - Kotaku

So,whose with me for some real manhunt ;) ..need some tools,lemme see..axe,needles,firecracker(these are best kept in the arse for optimum effect) and some dvds of the Teletubbies show.Make him watch it for 2 days straight.

Btw wasn't 'The GUY game' rated AO and it was released on PS2,XBOX wht the hell is with this.
Disappointed in Sony and M$, that's all I'll say. Its sad we as gamers can do little to nothing about it to have the situation changed. PS2 and Xbox were the machines people said that adults would game on as well. Its showing now...

BTw, the guy game was rated m, not AO. The only rated AO cases I've seen on consoles was GTA SA when Hot Coffee was found (that's when Rockstar discontinued GTA SA and re-released it patched with hot-coffee out getting back the M-rating) and Indio Prophecy/Fahrenheit - an uncut version of the game sold under the AO rating, but it have only sold on PC.
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