Mark of the Ninja - Discussion Thread

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I'm taking this game a little slow. Taking it level by level or doing 2 at a go and so far upto level 6. Trying to get the side objectives done as best as I can, sometimes completing the side objectives are quite tricky. :)
Completed the game yesterday. Enjoyed the stealth gameplay and was much fun sneaking and stealth-killing my way through. It's definitely one of the best side-scrolling games I've played.

I chose the Seppuku path at the end.
Done with the title sometime back and Klei has definitely made a mark in the indie game development scene for bringing out some amazing 2D side scrollers. And looks like this title will shiortly net them some awards and accolades. Definitely the best indie title I've played this year and one of the best 2D side scroller platformer titles worth a playthrough. Not only was it engrossing, the entire title took me close to 7 hours to wrap up! Considering that the recent AAA titles hardly last 6 to 7 hours, this was definitely a welcome change. So kudos to Klei. :hail:

Reminded me of the Ninja Gaiden title I had played back on my 8 bit NES but with the added stealth and support elements, this turned out to be a really exceptional title. The storyline was pretty good and so was the overall gameplay with hidden challenge levels, additional equipment and costumes being unlocked during the course of the gameplay etc. None of the puzzles felt hard nor the controls. The best part was that the game throws us multiple endings as well! I chose:

To kill Azai and bring honor to the clan.

But I did reload the last chapter once again to find out the other ending. :gap:
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Mark of the Ninja 'Special Edition' DLC out August 16

It's been a long time since Mark of the Ninja dev Klei Entertainment announced its "Special Edition" DLC. The $5 add-on adds a new flashback level and new items to play around with. The DLC also includes a developer commentary track that promises "at least two history lessons" worth of content.

The "Special Edition" content will be available on Xbox Live and Steam on August 16th, the developer just tweeted.



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