Car & Bike Maruti Hikes Diesel Car Prices by Up to Rs 10,000

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" Maruti Suzuki, India's top carmaker, has raised prices of its diesel models by Rs 2,000 to Rs 10,000, a spokesman said on Monday.
For its Ritz hatchback, prices were raised by 2,000 rupees, while for other models, prices were raised by 10,000 rupees, the spokesman told Reuters.
Rising costs of many raw materials have dented carmakers' margins in India, forcing them to raise prices, further hurting demand already hit by high interest rates and fuel prices that are deterring potential customers.

Maruti is 54.2 percent owned by Japan's Suzuki Motor Corp."
Pure BS (their justification for price rise).
It is the strike effect and maybe the settlement costs which are borne by the customers.
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