Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC released, the perfect ending?

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Mass Effect 3 was launched early in 2012, last year. Being one of the biggest franchises of our time, much as expected from the concluding part of the epic Mass Effect trilogy which started way back in 2007. But when people reached the end of the game, they were left unhappy. The choices and endings in the game were not at all the way people had wished/dreamt/fantasized about one of their favorite game series. And so a massive gamer uprising and petition signing followed. Nearly a year later, we have Bioware's last DLC dubbed Citadel, which takes feedback from all the fans of the franchise and strives to bring a better (or perfect) ending to this epic series.

Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC

I was among one who were not happy with the ending I got in Mass Effect 3, and so I could only be happy with the release of the Citadel DLC. Here's the Citadel DLC launch trailer:

It's surprising to note nothing explodes till about 50 seconds and that's when guns go blazing. Anyways, won't spoil any more of it for you now. A bunch of reviews can also help you out in deciding whether to buy this DLC or not. But beware of spoilers.
Citadel DLC Reviews




The DLC is available for X360, PS3 and PC and costs about £10 or 1,200 MS points.
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