Mass effect is not working in 3d Analyser-anybody have settings


Mass effect is not working in 3d Analyser-anybody have settings..

Guys i don't have graphics card:hap5: so i used 3d analyser(virtual graphics card emulator) to play games but MASS EFFECT is not working in 3d analyzer....i don't know why...think i need to modify the settings

Is it work in 3d analyser..?

suggest me
Hmm.. very interesting software. I'm sorry I dont have any answer to your query, but having googled about it, I now have some questions for you :)

How is the frame rate/performance with this? What kind of games have worked with this? So, it must be using the integrated graphics chip on your mobo/cpu? Can you please post your config?
It requires a very very powerful CPU, and it cannot run modern DX9 games, yeah older than 2006(before Oblivion) games will run good. Mass Effect is newer
Masseffect doesn't require you a powerful processor, well.. at least as long as you are trying to just run it in any kind of settings. I once ran it on my old Pentium 4 2.66Ghz. And it performed okay.

The real problem is with the pixel shader model. Mass effect uses PSM 3.0 and 3D analyzer lacks any kind of PSM 3.0 emulation. So, the only hope is getting a card with PSM 3.0 support.