Mass Migration to VoIP Expected Within a Decade


The big question is when the mass migration to VoIP will occur.

According to a new report released by In-Stat on Monday, the time frame of 2005 to 2009 is the consumer and small business VoIP ramp-up period, and migration to VoIP will peak somewhere between 2010 and 2014.

This time frame is largely dependent on carriers' strategies for migration to next-generation networks, In-Stat said.

"A carrier's NGN migration strategy is heavily influenced by factors such as the cost of maintaining the public switched telephone networks (PSTNs), available investment funds, technology, regulatory policies, pricing trends and competition," said Keith Nissen, an analyst at In-Stat.

Carriers around the world are developing migration strategies that include network optimization, next-generation overlays and PSTN replacements.

According to In-Stat, these strategies will directly impact the type, quantity and timing of future equipment purchases.

In-Stat concluded in its report that as VoIP competition and demand increase over the next five years, incumbent carriers will increasingly opt for PSTN replacement to lower operating costs.
