Car & Bike Massa or Hamilton?

So whom do you want to be the 2008 Champion!

I wish Massa can do it!

Here are some combinations for who can win in what position (From )

Massa will be champion if:
- He wins and Hamilton finishes sixth or lower
- He finishes second and Hamilton is eighth or lower

Hamilton will be champion if:
- He finishes fifth or higher
- He finishes sixth and Massa is second or lower
- He finishes seventh and Massa is second or lower
- He finishes eighth and Massa is third or lower
- He fails to score and Massa is third or lower

More chances of Hamilton winning but who knows, this weekend is it!
Well its more a case of Hamilton losing the championship now than Massa winning it and with so many mistakes done by Massa this year, he doesnt make a true champion, more like a lucky champion

having said that, even Hamilton is dodgy, he'll drive well only if hes the lead, if hes anywhere behind a car then he doesnt have the composure atleast for now to drive well

My money would be on Hamilton although i dont want him to win :lol:
Hamilton isnt world champ material as well.

I want massa to win. But he wont. Dead sure it's going be Britain's racing experiment gone wrong.
I think Hamilton will win it, though I'd prefer it to be Massa that gets the WDC.

Even if you consider that Lewis has arguably lost ard 10 points (give or take) to the hotly debated steward decisions, while Massa's potentially lost a similar number of points to blown engines... Lewis is leading Massa only by 7 points. So if that makes Massa a lucky champion / drunkard, what does it make Lewis???
Well as it was last year, it is Hamilton's Championship to blow, which he successfully managed to do last year, but this year I think he knows what he has to do, and will be champion.

That being said, I want Massa to win, I am a true Ferrari fan, lets see what happens it will be enthralling!

PS- F1 is not the same without Schumi!!..i LOVE him....hope he comes out of retirement, I am sure he still has enough to take on these wannabe rookies.
i think massa is not aggresive enough to eat up points like kimi did last time
as much as I would like it to go the ferrari way i somehow don't see it happening and the brit brat might take it home.
I am waiting for alonso to get into ferrari camp.(though I hated him when he was up against shumi)
^^^ To avoid controversy, it would be better if one of the monkeys (Hamilton term for backmarker) takes out Hamilton.

Even better if Hamilton takes himself out ala '07
Check this out, pretty funny :p

Kimi's facial expressions are priceless, its like "WTF is wrong with this fellow?" :rofl:


He just accidentally/intentionally pushed a little girl down on the ground and wasn't even man enough to help the poor child up.He thinks he's so cool, what a disgrace.
don't care who wins the championship
I want Kimi to win this race beating both Hamilton and Massa:eek:hyeah:
that would be a perfect end to the season
F|0ccY said:

He just accidentally/intentionally pushed a little girl down on the ground and wasn't even man enough to help the poor child up.He thinks he's so cool, what a disgrace.

did you watch the video??? :p

Woman trying to get the autograph is what caused this stupid thing. If he stops, he will be surrounded by 10 more people :p

He did tell that woman to go back ;)
Rave said:
Check this out, pretty funny :p

Kimi's facial expressions are priceless, its like "WTF is wrong with this fellow?" :rofl:


i guess i forgot to mention why i posted this video in the first place

when the drivers were in, hamilton didnt knew there wasa camera pointing at him, as soon as he saw the camera look how his attitude changes completely..
Massa on pole. Hamilton 4th behind kimi.....

Good start for Massa, hopefully some luck or should i say bad luck / stupidy on hamilton's part does the trick.
Either Toyota was paid or bought over. Something happened. No way Glock's car just slowed down due to a 'technical problem'