"Massively" Multiplayer Online Racing

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Grease Monk

Intertoob Ninja & Hamster Hunter Extraordinaire
In collaboration with the Electronic Sports World Cup, Nadeo has released Trackmania Nations ESWC (265MB), a free game which is entirely devoted to the LAN and Online multiplayer competition.

The best thing i can link this to is an arcady online version of the A1.

This complete version of Trackmania Nations ESWC includes a unique gameplay and new "Stadium" environment, as well as solo and multiplayer modes featuring 100 training and competition circuits (soon to be a thousand and more) for Internet, LAN, HotSeat, not forgetting Nadéo's famous community editors, Nadéo circuit editor, Painter and Mediatracker. Players will be able to download games and link up with other players around the world on the TrackMania servers. Trackmania Nations ESWC features in the Electronic Sports World Cup selection and qualifications will be taking place in 53 countries.

Website : http://www.trackmanianations.com/

Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4
Mirror 5 Mirror 6

It's 100% free, has great graphics and online works. Don't pass.
They put starforce so people can't look at the free game for clues to crack the retail version.
is this really starforced? i installed it and i don't seem to have any background processes. it didnt even ask me to reboot my computer. oh btw, it's mad fun so anyone who thought about passing, don't :)
Starforce isn't nearly as problematic as it's hyped up to be.
Like you said, if you didn't know better, you won't even notice it's there.

And yea this game is - dare I say - as good as Burnout.
starforce never seems to give any problems with legit games. the only reason most ppl hate it is due to its crackability.
Grease Monk said:
starforce never seems to give any problems with legit games. the only reason most ppl hate it is due to its crackability.
Lol its been cracked and i guess if future versions of alcohol or dt bundles a ide jammer it will a lot easier. Sometimes there are other legit reasons to not like a product especially when one is paying for it. Steam was pain in the ass at first but has improved a lot recently. Steam could even end up making games cheaper.
i tried it. Didnt like the handling at all.

if you remove the hand over accelarator the car slowdown too much as if we have applied brakes. And the physics of car is way off. i know its arcade game but it simply does not feel right.
i don't think the focus is on realism though. more than the handling, its the actual tracks and online mp that make this game fun.
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