MAYA animation for augmented reality


Can anyone guide me how to embed MAYA generated animations(if its possible) in my Flex projects?? The animation is required for an augmented reality application..
Workin with flartoolkit,papervision 3d...New to Flex and all others mentioned..Urgently need to work upon an augmented reality project..
Correct me if i'm wrong, u just want to import maya animation into flex? Maya batch render settings can be changed to render the animation as an image sequence(iff, png, jpg etc). Don't think its a problem for you to import the image sequence to Flex..
Actually getting a faint idea how to do it..MAYA animations can be exported into a dae file... A DAEMC2 class has support for inclusion of these animations. Google to fin out more..


Ok..The project idea is becoming a bit clear though implementation still is really hazy. The idea goes like:
A marker is displayed in front of the web camera. A model of a pencil and a cup balancing on the tip of that standing pencil appears. When the marker tilts the pencil tilts on which the cup may fall off the tip.

Now can anyone please guide us through the proceedings. How do you trigger events by marker position, angle and movement.

Really urgent. Reply anything related.