McCain or Obama



I don't know if anybody here is following the US elections, if you are, what are your thoughts.

The Polls are saying that Obama has it in the bag? But I don't know if Obama is the right man, its cool he is running, we need more people of colour to join politics and make a positive change. But I don't think he has the "experiance".

McCain is ok, but its Sarah Palin who scares me. Hence thats why people will vote in Obama, because imagine her as Vice President. That dodgy.

There are alot of people who have said that this election has already been decided and its Obama who will win. There were reports in the NYTimes that Obama was vetted heavily by the big corporations about how will he treat big businesses and the report said he just nodded to every suggestion they had.

I guess we will be happy to see W go.
Ya obama is expected to win.But McCain was better for india. Guess the economy tanking along with palin's selection didn't help McCain at all!!
I think Palin weakened McCains chances, she just looks better with her mouth shut.

CNN are showing Obama at 174 and McCain at 64. 270 needed to Win.

I think we will see the Mixed Race President in the US
Change will happen with democrats controlling Congress (as well). They narrowly missed a majority in the senate.

I had predicted a Republican win since March but with the economy taking the beating it did, there was no chance of that any more :(

Just as we are about to swing right, the US goes the other way.
There is too much expectation from obama.That can never be good. those who have supported him can easily turn against him if their hopes aren't.........
"Barack Obama was joined on stage by Bruce Springsteen in Ohio on Sunday. There was one tense moment when somebody in the audience yelled out, 'Born in the USA!' And Obama said, 'For the last time, yes, damnit, I was!" --Jimmy Kimmel
Not only was Obama's acceptance speech excellent, McCains speech was very humble and supportive. I personally am relieved, I think change for this country is definitely in order and I completely disagree about McCain being a better choice for India. As always political views are always fervent and here in California we handed the Democrats 55 electoral votes... more than any other State.

The big thing here at the moment is the Proposition 8 vote about whether gay marriage can be banned by making an amendment to the California constitution. The whole nation is watching and money has been poured into this state from many other States and religious sects, California will likely set a precedent for the rest of the Nation.
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
I completely disagree about McCain being a better choice for India.

- reduction in military spending = less support for GWOT, ie takes the pressure of the Paks by hastening up the day the US leaves Afghanistan. Forces the US to settle for a truce when it really ought to be the other way around.

- outsourcing.

Course, it's said, power changes ppl and Obama does have a history of going back on his word for politcial expediency :)

He raised twice as much as McCain and can't help thinking a significant part thereof is corporate in origin. Maybe the corporates don't consider the 'change' he speaks so eloquently about as much of a threat to their bottomline compared to the perception of the general public.

So now that the proverbial dog has caught up with the car it was chasing...

..what happens next ?

The liberal left got what it wanted and will take the blame or praise for what happens to the US from now on.
Jaspal said:
But I don't think he has the "experiance".

Dude, why are you so obsessed with experience.
Just becoz someone has been in politics for a long time does not mean that they wont commit any mistakes.
Now he may ask india to sign CTBT and FMCT ...maybe even NPT.....the pressure will also increase on india to find a solution to the "kashmir dispute". Anyway he'll never be as pro-india as President Bush was.
This election was an impressive feat, and not just for the fact that the best candidate won.

The level of involvement in this election was really high, everyone cared about the election, even here in india.

People voted for who they believed in, and not a lesser evil.

The mudslinging was present, though not as high as it could have gone in such a long and winding contest.

Obama was brilliant throughout, and McCain in the end showed impressive dignity in his defeat.

I can only hope that someday we in India have an election which lives up to this standard and a candidate like Obama.