McCain or Obama

ujjwal said:
I can only hope that someday we in India have an election which lives up to this standard and a candidate like Obama.

Looking at the current crop of cacti, with likes of Raj, Laloo and the rest of the long list... that seems like distant dream. And that distance seem to increasing every passing day.
smoky004 said:
Anyway he'll never be as pro-india as President Bush was.

It's debatable if we will ever see as pro-india a prez as Bush.

ujjwal said:
The level of involvement in this election was really high, everyone cared about the election, even here in india.

You mean more than in 2004 ?

I get the impression its about the same maybe less.

The only reason this turned into a landslide is due to the bailout.
Anyway he'll never be as pro-india as President Bush was.

He wasn't pro India... he was pro putting money in the pockets of his corporate cronies. India would only benefit so long as it was to Bush's advantage and he and his family were making money. Then he would have thrown it all away just like a child loses interest in a favorite game. He wasn't building any long term benefits and he wasn't building from the ground up, but started somewhere in the middle without the structure to hold it all up.
blr_p said:
It's debatable if we will ever see as pro-india a prez as Bush.

very true

PiXeLpUsHeR said:
he was pro putting money in the pockets of his corporate cronies.

True he was putting money in the pockets of the rich but that hardly had anything to do with india.he truly believed that engaging india was in the best interests of america.
To make a break from the past took a lot from Bush and we 'almost' dropped the ball whilst he was at it. Any party in power here would have faced the same problem. No such thing as bipartisan politics in this country, party first, country second is how it is. Bush opened the doors to furthering nuclear (as opposed to nukuler) research for this country.

So long as China continues to grow and all signs indicate it will, Japan alone won't be enough so i think the interest will remain and that's only the strategic part of it.
I'm still split on the issue of who's better for India, but Obama has clearly highlighted Pakistan's role in terrorism, so hopefully they won't be getting any more billion dollar aid packages to "fight terrorism".
smoky004 said:
Now he may ask india to sign CTBT and FMCT ...maybe even NPT.....the pressure will also increase on india to find a solution to the "kashmir dispute". Anyway he'll never be as pro-india as President Bush was.

Think that's true. India will need to hold its own here in front of him.
India will need to hold its own here in front of him.

Unfortunately india doesn't have a good track record of standing up for our interests.Earlier the indian govt. was willing to sign the CTBT but thankfully bush came to office and the issue was put on the back burner.
Horray...congratz Obama won in election of President..

America have history the first black skin to be President of America..

Will US improve and wake up from this crisis, Friend?
"At a moment of obvious peril, America decided to place its fate in the hands of a man who had been born to an idealistic white teenage mother and the charismatic African grad student who abandoned them — a man who grew up without money, talked his way into good schools, worked his way up through the pitiless world of Chicago politics to the U.S. Senate and now the White House in a stunningly short period. That achievement, compared with those of the Bushes or the Kennedys or the Roosevelts or the Adamses or any of the other American princes who were born into power or bred to it, represents such a radical departure from the norm that it finally brings meaning to the promise taught from kindergarten: "Anyone can grow up to be President." Time Magazine
I'm just glad I took my parent's advice and took Electronics as my engineering subject.. I wanted to take Computers or IT very badly (was getting them too in a good college over here), but was talked into taking E&TC because of its "core" uberness.. Now my friends in Computers are sh!tting their pants.. What with all the cut-down on outsourcing and what not that Obama is planning to put into effect.
Why would someone with a electronics ,major not be affected by outsourcing ?

You don't think coding is the only thing outsourced do you :)
I doubt obama will cut back on outsourcing...that was more or less an election rhetoric ! With american companies already making huge losses stopping outsourcing maybe a bad idea.

But like i said , he could be bad for india in other ways.