PC Peripherals Mechanical Keyboard with a backlight


Woke up this morning and realized that my trusted TVS Gold Keyboard is unresponsive. Tried diffrent USB ports and another computer as well but no response. Which is strange coz mechs are supposed to live forever.

Looks like I will have to buy a new Mechanical Keyboard,

any suggestions? I will most likely order this online as the rates seem a bit better. Will give a call to Prime in any case and see if he can offer me a deal.

I just want a simple Mechanical (no Psuedo Mechs or Mem-chanicals) keyboard that has a backlight so that I can type easily in the dark.
Woke up this morning and realized that my trusted TVS Gold Keyboard is unresponsive. Tried diffrent USB ports and another computer as well but no response. Which is strange coz mechs are supposed to live forever.

Looks like I will have to buy a new Mechanical Keyboard,

any suggestions? I will most likely order this online as the rates seem a bit better. Will give a call to Prime in any case and see if he can offer me a deal.

I just want a simple Mechanical (no Psuedo Mechs or Mem-chanicals) keyboard that has a backlight so that I can type easily in the dark.

you can get a new tvs keyboard for 500-800 locally with blue switches.
After a lot of research this is the scene
In India all Mechanical Keyboards are overpriced and are mostly gaming keyboards with RGB lights and exaggerated form factor. The only decent option is TVSE gold.

Buying from Amazon.com is expensive. The prices of the keyboards are very good but with duty and shipping handling, its not worth it. Another option is Banggood.com They ship from china for free and have a lot of variety. Lots of cheap Chinese brand. Not sure how good they would be.

At this point I am either gonna wait for someone to come from the US or just order from Banggood or Ali express. In the meantime, I bought a 400 rs Amkette keyboards from Chrome. It feels so wrong.