Media Players

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There are a lot of them out there and most are free and work very well.
This one has a plain skin and works very well. It also has slow motion and frame step by step a feature I haven't seen on others.

Faststone Player
yep but media playe classic has a similar feature installed toounder Play->Increase rate and Decrease rate..
Anyway i prefer the free sourceforge based ones. No adware or spyware and grt functionality.
The klite express pack with real alternative is pretty much all you need.

Real Alternative ->
more info and download

K-lite codec packs ->
more info and download
usually the basic or at the max standard pack is good enough. Don't download the full one if you don't need something specific.full may just proove a bit unstable.
i usually stick to the standard player available.....basically wmp ,winamp and the real and quicktime alternative players which come along with klite mega codec pack
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