MeeGo,Tizen,Mer,Sailfish-Confused?You should be

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Remember that beautiful OS which powered the fascinating Nokia N9?It was "MeeGo", a Linux-based free mobile operating system. The MeeGo platform was cancelled and abandoned in September 2011 by the linux foundation and Intel,in favor of Tizen,another Linux-based free and open source mobile operating system which also incorporates a number of modules such as network management from the MeeGo Project.How does Intel figure in all this?,i hear ye ask.MeeGo itself was a culmination of the merging of Intel's Moblin Project(an open source operating system) and Nokia's Maemo Project.Well,MeeGo has been abandoned but it has not vanished,and a fork of it,namely Mer,still exists and it has the intended strategic goal of being MeeGo 2.0 in future when "the Linux Foundation will see our work as a worthy successor within the MeeGo spirit".Highly ambitious,i would say.

Interestingly,Intel and Samsung remain part of a Board of Directors of the Tizen Association which is a
not-for-profit consortium that leads development on the Tizen Project.(The other members are Huawei, NEC, NTT DOCOMO, Orange, Panasonic, SK Telecom, Sprint, Telefónica and Vodafone). Maybe someday we will see tizen devices powered by intel SoC's. Also,Samsung announced in June 2012 it may merge Bada(a operating system for mobile devices developed by Samsung) into the Tizen project, but it is not confirmed.

A Finnish startup, named Jolla Ltd., formed by a group of Nokia Expats in July 2012 is trying to resurrect MeeGo and has received €200 million ($258 million) in funding and its flagship phone is set to be unveiled next month, according to the Wall Street Journal. Companies funding the venture include at least one telecom and a chipset manufacturer, as well as other parties concerned about "recent developments in the smartphone industry" such as the ongoing patent wars.The new MeeGo-based operating system is codenamed "Sailfish."

Jolla remains tight-lipped about the details of the operating system and what will change, though the company indicated to the WSJ that the OS will be operable on increasingly popular low-end devices that are taking off in emerging mobile markets, such as parts of Africa and India.

Such an interesting Development.

Source :
MeeGo, reloaded: new smartphone OS set to be unveiled next month | Ars Technica ,Tizen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i hope someone makes a mobile os that can be installed on any compatible smartphone. like windows can be installed on a compatible pc. lots of money to be made just by selling os licences imo.
Even with so much of fanboyism going around(android vs ios,if you will),this just proves it could still be any one's game.
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