Audio MEElectronics M11+ vs SoundMagic E10 vs Brainwavz ProAlpha vs VSonic GR02 BassEdition

Best IEM for bass under 2.5k

  • MEElectronics M11+

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • SoundMagic E10

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Brainwavz ProAlpha

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • VSonic GR02 Bass Edition

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • MEElectronics M21

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
@sandeepsachin & esanthosh- yes the GR06 has good seperation,layering and soundstage but despite being airy i always felt the music to be thick sounding on them. Though its a mid centric IEM with the mids being smooth & detailed, i felt the mids of the PL50 were better in holding the listeners attention, like they push it to you and then pull you along slowly :). NEver felt the bass bleed into mids but always felt as if they are trying not to be behind the mids, they have good impact and can go down low with a little rumble.And then the highs try to be smooth and detailed which they are with a little sparkle but no treble sibilance whatsoever.

As santhosh said i would have like them if i had given them more listening time but i could never get a correct fit in my left ear and half the time was spent in trying to achieve that correct fit and Oh man it was so irritating & uncomfortable , i used to give up and put them away. Are you able to get a comfortable fit santhosh?
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GRO6's midrange seems to be limited by the softer note presentation just like its bass. Since the dynamics of a phone lie in the mid range , i am guessing that's the reason it feels a bit constrained and lacks that single wow factor.

Don't think softer / smoother presentation has anything to do with dynamic range. An IEM can be soft and still have good dynamic range.

mvw2's posts on GR07

My experience with the GR07 says no. The earphone is pretty easy to drive. An amp can be good if the source you use has very little wattage. An amp with a DAC can be good if the source you use has mediocre audio quality. The GR07 is pretty revealing and will show you any flaws quite readily.

So what about the amp issue? Well, the GR07, without knowing specifics, sounds like a weak motored speaker. It simply lacks raw power and is limited to some degree in presentation by this. It's a sound that makes you want to throw more wattage at it to fix it, but really wattage isn't where it's short. More will do nothing to improve upon the sound. If you find the GR07 sounds weak, it's because the driver is weak. I think it was done on purpose for the intended goal that VSONIC may have had for the earphone, but versus more powerful and authoritative earphones, the GR07 sounds weak. This is not an amping issue.

Well, you have a mass/spring/damper system tied to a force generating motor. One can design any part of this system in different ways to tailor the sound and presentation towards certain goals.

Simply put, the GR07 sounds as if the motor is of a low power design. It may be better to day it was designed in a way that doesn't offer really high power. At low volumes, it sounds fine. As you turn up the volume, the presentation plateaus. The earphone can get louder, but power and authority don't scale up along with it. The low powered motor struggles to move the diaphragm as quickly as needed. The sense of power, punch, authority, etc. soften and lessen. This is what the GR07 does.

I still get the same feeling with GR06. Seems like it is their 'house sound'.

As for the lack of 'wow factor', it has more to do with how I felt with GR07

But, here's the issue. FX700 and TF10 may be V-Shaped compared to GR07, but they are both fun to listen to. SM3 may have a weird, enveloping sound stage, thick sound and recessed treble, but it renders even the worst recorded music listen-able. RE-262 may not have a sub-bass presence or relatively as much treble, but it has specialties like it's presentation and liquid midrange. CK10 has that magnificent, pin point placement, clean flat frequency response (once you adjust down a bit in treble and/or boost a bit in bass). DBA-02, which is an aggressive and fast IEM has that 'in your face' treble standing out.

So, when I think of GR07, what comes to the top of my head? Blank! Don't mistake me. I like the IEM. I even ranked it a bit above e-Q5 initially (will revisit that ranking after a full comparison). It's not a boring IEM, it does not do many things badly, but it does not go the full stretch in any one department to make it count. It's easy to dismiss my lack of excitement as someone who's a treble head and used to too many V-Shaped IEMs. Really, who cares? TF10 is still fun, FX700 is great, CK10 & SM3 are relaxing - and at the end of the day, you want to listen to music. GR07 does not approach that level for me. I won't make the mistake of dismissing GR07 without proper A/B comparisons, which I'll do sometime next week. But, at this point, it's not showing great promise to overthrow any of the IEMs I mentioned.

I get a very comfortable fit with GR06, just like I got with GR07. Will try and post some initial impressions before I sleep tonight.

This thread has been derailed already. Shall we take the rest of the discussion to the Random IEM rants thread? ;)
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collected my GR02 yesterday from the courier office, let em burn for a whole long 15min before i couldnt hold myself anymore...
now i know they are supposed to be the best in this budget. have received awesome reviews everywhere... but they didnt hit the sweet spot for me... dunno how much burn-in is going to help...
i agree they are simply awesome, the clarity, the detail everything... but i find them kinda lacking in the bass section, the thump isnt strong at all... thought changing the tips would help, but theres a prob there too... iv been using IEMs with changable tips for 3 years now, but this is the 1st time im facing a challenge in inserting the tips! the holes in the tips are so small that i had to struggle for 15 minutes before i managed to replace 1 of them! stopped bothering with it and went back to the stock bi flanges... dunno if there is something wrong with my technique... all those beautiful buds lying in their packets...

now please dont get me wrong, they are great and i like them, a lot, but even with them being the best in the budget, im finding it hard to accept it for the price i paid... if only they had a bit more bass, i wouldv been the happiest person in the world, instead of being just happy... might be just because i was expecting a bit too much after all the reading i did... i dunno...
With VSonics (GR06 and GR07), one size larger than what I usually use (Large vs Medium) works better. May be that could be the case with you and GR02BE. That could solve the bass issue for you if it's a fit related issue. On the other hand, you may have expected something totally different from them. If it's the latter (you find the bass 'soft' than 'strong'), you could have expected something like a Xears TDIII. In that case, "burn in" and tip rolling may not cut it as the character of bass hardly changes.

If the nozzle size is larger than the tip's tube size, then do not push them straight on. Instead, push the tip sideways first until the tip's tube is firmly on the nozzle. Sometimes, tips with firm tubes would slip out, but with a little effort and practice, it can be done.
quoting from jokers review

"The GR02 is also bassier than the higher-end GR06 and its low end can overshadow the midrange on occasion compared to the more mid-forward GR06, the more subbass-focused GR99, and more balanced-sounding sets such as the Monoprice 8320 "


do you feel the bass on the gr06 lacked the thump in the first place?

also , is it the sub bass or the mid bass that gives the thump?
This is what I wrote yesterday

The bass has good extension and there is limited sub-bass rumble as well, but the bumped up mid bass takes the cake. It is fuller, has good quantity (more than M1, may be slightly less than M2?), carries good impact, but slightly on the slower side and not as detailed.

If GR02 has more bass than GR06, I'd so it should have good impact as well. But, "thump" requirement varies for each and every person - depending on where he is coming from, he may be needing an aggressive impact (if his issue is not due to lack of proper seal).

I second to esanthosh, you are not feeling the "thump" is related to the fit relating issue it seems. Try changing different tips, if fit is bad so no IEM in the world can provide bass. Try large or Medium tips and then see. The best way to insert the nozzle to the tips is to insert it sideways if it is not going straightly.

Even ClieOS has said that GR02 BE is abundant in Bass
Still no news as of GR02
status showing it reached kolkata on Monday, August 06, 2012..........really lousy service by ondot
ordered by Air ......haven't reached yet
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Y are you selling these any.....problem regarding these?
the funny thing is you bought it on 7th august 2012 and selling it on 11th.......and i ordered it on 2nd august through ONDOT (air)and still have not received yet.....lolz.........lousy.....lousy from the courier..............the seller is not to be blamed though since he shipped the same day
any way what are your impressions of it?......compared to something like a m2...??

and also where are you ordering your GR06 from??
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hi guys, sorry for not being here... been out for work...
over time, iv really grown to like these a lot. just a few things which i thought id clarify...
1- when i took out the main IEM box out of the external wrapping, and then opened it to take out the IEMs, i saw that the foamy thing in which the IEMs were inserted for display along with some of the tips was dirty, small dust like particles, as if it had been opened... dont think a new pack should have dust particles INSIDE the packing...
2- a few of the ear tips have some kind of manufacturing defect... as in their outer flanges are fused with the inner cylinder with a thick blob of silicon or something...
3- the moment i lifted out the shirt clip, it broke...

thats how i insert my tips always, sideways, but even then they were too tight to go in...

thats abt what iv found... fortunately, till now, i havent really found fault with the main IEMs, but...
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I have never tried this method myself, but worth a shot.

Did you try inverting the 'fused' tips? Should have foam inside. Foam is supposed to increase isolation. If not, it is a manufacturing defect.

Once I received a fresh, fully packed IEM with something that looked like strands of hair on the tips. Always better to clean the tips first before use.
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