Memtest86+ 4.00

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Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool

*** Enhancements in v4.00 : ***

New Features
Major Architectural changes

First pass twice faster (reduced iterations)
Detect DDR2/3 brands and part numbers on Intel DDR2/3 chipsets
Added detection for Intel "Clarkdale" CPU
Added detection for Intel "Gulftown" CPU
Added detection for AMD "Magny-Cours" CPU
Added detection for Intel XMP Memory
Added for CPU w/ 0.5/1.5/3/6/12/16/18/24MB L3
Added "clean" DMI detection for DDR3/FBDIMM2
Better detection of Integrated Memory Controllers
Bug Fixes

Corrected detection for Intel "Lynnfield" CPU
Corrected detection for AMD 45nm K10 CPU
Solved crash with AMD Geode LX
Complies with SMBIOS 2.6.1 specs
Fixed compilation issues with gcc 4.2+
Many others bug fixes
PS : Memtest86+ "3.00" was skipped and renamed 4.00 in order to avoid confusion with the original Memtest.
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