Mercenaries 3 in India?

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Just finished playing Mercenaries 2 (PC) - and the last line in the last FMV is "How about a contract in India?" to which your character replies, "Sure, but this time we get paid in advance."

Hmmmm..... should be interesting. They better not f*** it up with the whole stereotypical accent etc. stuff. :@
indian history,culture and land-marks are untouched in old\recent video games....i hope it ends soon and we get some familiar looking things in video games...
^^ No one lives forever, I believe.

I remember Hitman 2. "Kaise ho, Sahib." Though I agree we need more proper well worked titles based in India rather than the sterotypical ones.
India has pretty much Historical places like Jaipur, Delhi, Varnasi etc.

Game title like Prince of Persia should be set in Indian Cities.
arun_rulezzz said:

organic squirrel meat anyone ?
available only in india XD
Lol nice find. .repped !

poor guy who wrote this though. . has no clue how to write in hindi XD
cheers, could of used the spoiler tag, put oh well, now i know the last quote of the game, :)

Only joking matey, not like its any spoiling info:P hehe

would be good if it was set in india:)
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