Storage Solutions Merging Partitions with Easeus

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Hey guys

ima planning to merge 4 partitions inot one single partiotion i have data in those partitions and i dont wanna format them.

i will not be touching the C drive what i want to do is i want do merge all the partitions into one single big partition?

is this safe?
Re: Merging Partitions with Easseus

Nothing is safe when you are trying to play with partitions. As far as possible, make backups and then proceed with the merging. Most often, you will not run into issues, but it is better to be safe rather than sorry.
Re: Merging Partitions with Easseus

AFAIK, its possible to do so without losing your data. However. as logistopath said above, its always better to backup before playing with partitions.
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