Method of reading backup of ASUS P527 phone after transferrring it to Samsung B7320

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Can you please inform how to read the backup of ASUS P527 phone after transferrring it to Samsung B7320? Since both the phones have Windows Mobile OS, that should be possible. But, when I try to open the backup file in B7320, I get a message mentioning that I should try to open some application first and then open the file in it. How do I do that in a mobile phone?

Thanks in advance & Regards,
Re: Method of reading backup of ASUS P527 phone after transferrring it to Samsung B73

How did you take the backup, if done using the ASUS utility it will not be possible unless you install that utility on the Samsung as well, best option is to use PIM Backup on ASUS and take backup and again use the utility on Samsung to restore it, hope this helps

If you just want to transfer Contacts then also check Microsoft's My Phone
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