Read More a SOLID 4 page article - IGN: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots PreviewThree weeks ago, Konami extended a once in a lifetime invitation to a handful of journalists. Fourteen people from around the world gathered together at the Konami Super Campus in Nasu to experience one of the most anticipated titles in recent history, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots in a specialized boot camp for the game. We weren't simply shown snippets of levels or gameplay demos; instead, we were sequestered for three days at their facility for two specific tasks. The first task was that we were to play through the entire title from start to finish with the Konami team gathering our stats and play information as we progressed.
The second task was much more important, because at the end of every gameplay session, we were asked to provide detailed feedback, which would be given to the development team to make adjustments to the final build of the title. We weren't alone in experiencing the game in this way; Kojima himself was replaying the title at the same time we were, going through the same gameplay sections and feedback tasks as we were. In effect, we became part of the design team. As I stated earlier, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, especially for any Metal Gear Solid fan. Not only were we getting a chance to complete the game before anyone else, but we were making an impact on the overall game that will launch worldwide on June 12th.
This Game is Surely Gonna ROCK :hap2: :hap2: :hap2: :hap2: