MGS4 must sell 1 million copies on day1 to justify costs:Konami

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Ck Nish

reuters said:
"Metal Gear Solid" needs to sell over a million copies on the first day it goes on sale due to its costly production, but that may be a tough mark to hit given sluggish PS3 sales.

A year after its release, only two PS3 games have sold more than 1 million copies, a benchmark of financial success for a big-budget game. The 7-year-old PlayStation 2 had nearly 100 games sell more than a million copies.

Ryan Payton(assistant producer) speaks on MGS4

So, who actually thinks this is possible? To give you folks an idea, consider The "Jesus" of all games, Halo3 that defeated every other form of entertainment that has ever existed, managed 2.7 million sales on it's first day. Is MGS4 strong enough to achieve over 1/3rd of those sales?
why does it have to sell a million on the first day itself? will they suddenly lose out if it reaches a million after a week or a month? (we all know it eventually will)
very good chances of it selling 1mil on the 1st day.

only if it was a world wide launch i would have bought it to help it reach 1 mil.

afterall i bought ps1 for mgs1 & ps2 for mgs2. eagerly waiting for mgs4 now.
The replies in favour of this happening was to be expected but it still some how amazes me each time.

Okay guys. Just to give you further perspective. MGS2 sold 460k and MGS3 sold 490k in it's first week in JPN. I mean, there is no doubt that MGS4 would sell over a million in it's first week if it were a worldwide launch but 1 million in a day?

spindoctor said:
why does it have to sell a million on the first day itself? will they suddenly lose out if it reaches a million after a week or a month? (we all know it eventually will)

A question that is always asked but never answered. Who knows! Konami works in mysterious ways much in the same way that Sony does... Or maybe they're just crazy.
Unless the installed userbase increases substantially (read more PS 3 owners) I doubt it will happen. Look at it this way. Halo 3 sold close to three million on what has to be an installed base of 15 million Xboxes, give or take a few. I really dont see PS3 being a 15 mill seller by MGS 4 launch.

Or to put it a differant way like nish says if PS2 which had an installed base of 80 mill+ (worldwide, 20 something in Japan) managed 500k copies of MGS 3 in a week in Japan how can MGS 4 better that with a fraction of consoles out there?

BTW here is hoping 4 is a lot more like 3 and not like 2, gameplay wise anyway.
Its the hype. MGS2, 3 never rolled that high before their releases. The first (epic) trailer for the MGS4 was released 2 years ago, and it has been gaining ever since, taking ps2-mgs2,3 ratios are irrelevant in here. In any case, we can keep posting our scientist theories but I'm pretty sure looking at the things now and for the past year the media on mgs4, it'll sell, but 1 mill on day1? (I thought it was 1 week before) C'mon Konami. I'm saying 1 mill by 4,5 days. '08 will be the year of Solid Snake and Niko Bellick.
I have always loved the MGS Series right from MGS 1 played it so many times

never ever got bored , same goes to MGS 2.

I have seen MGS 4 videos and it will def. make the 1M mark if not close to it for sure :)
I think the PS3's relatively poor install base will really be the game's undoing as m47r1m mentioned. I wouldn't be surprised if the game doesn't hit 1 million even in it's first week.

Incidentally, I really should've added a poll to this thread just for the added laughs.
there is no way mgs4 will sell a million copies, not with paltry number of ps3z out there......had it been Grand theft auto 4 xclusively to ps3, then yes it might have been thought of.....i bought the ps2 only for san andreas !! .... halo 3 sold bcoz of the hype, the first 2 stages were a graphical letdown, the game improved considerably after that though to justify all its hype :)
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