Micromax mocks iPhone

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Guys I had a terrible day today. But this single ad campaign made me ROFL :rofl:


I mean seriously ? :rofl: :rofl:

Micromax's new ad campaign for their A75 Superfone Lite smartphone is boldly attacking the high price of Apple's iPhone 4S.

The A75 is an Android dual SIM phone featuring a 3MP camera, 650 MHz processor, 256MB of RAM, and expandable memory up to 32GB.

The new ad features the term 'iphone 4s' surrounded with lettering that makes it read "i can afford this iphone 4 sure'. The phone sells for 8999INR or about $167.75 USD
avi said:

:rofl: :rofl:

But the irony over here is Apple which is so possessive about its look, feel, brand, blah blah, is getting mocked, over which it can't file any lawsuit which it is very famous at, but only :@ :@

So Micromax finally can do :tongue:
This one would surely appeal & cut with many people across age groups . . . Now that's called good marketing . . . :cool2:
Was thinking what would really happen if Apple sues Micromax?

Next week :

In Breaking news, Apple sues Micromax for misleading people by 'suggesting' to people that their phone is similar to an iPhone which they can afford. Also, it looks like the iPhone 4S, has got a rounded rectangular body, a touchscreen (with multitouch), metal body, etc..

After 5/10 years :

The case still continues for several years. Apple has already launches the iPhone 9S.
None of you guys got the 'real' ad campaign, micromax wants to get sued, so that atleast world would know there is some chinese handset reseller in India :bleh:
I think Apple already patented the use of 4 and s as "4s" together in a name, so Micromax is going down big time.

sajitsm said:
Eeerybody seems to be onto Apple these days...

Yeah no one company alone can take on apple as of now so they are trying to bring it down collectively. . . :ohyeah:

malhotraraul said:

Registered Logo of iPhone 4S, even if iSteve comes down from iCloud, nothing will happen to Micromax.
comp@ddict said:
I think Apple already patented the use of 4 and s as "4s" together in a name, so Micromax is going down big time.

I don't think Apple can, but in India you never know . . . ! :)
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