Microsoft Handheld?

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Possible Microsoft Handheld?
Rumors swirl on a PSP/iPod competitor.
by Jonathan Miller

January 26, 2006 - In an effort to loosen Apple's stranglehold on the portable media device market, Microsoft may be contemplating throwing a new device into the fray; one that would most likely include gaming.

Xbox chief Peter Moore told Business Week that a new Microsoft device would most likely incorporate music, video and gaming, the latter of which the iPod doesn't support. The device, then, would also butt heads with Sony's Playstation Portable and fall into a category all its own.

"It can't just be our version of the iPod," Moore said in the interview.

The fact that Moore commented at all could indicate that the Xbox brand would be used to market the device. Back in 2004, it was rumored that Microsoft was developing a handheld called the "Xboy."

"I think the brand is an opportunity," Moore told Business Week.

Microsoft would not comment on the device and even if one is in development, but a representative did say, "Microsoft is committed to innovation." The software giant has shifted focus to increase its presence in entertainment fields, and an iPod/PSP competitor would fall in line with that shift.

Obviously a Microsoft handheld raises a lot of interesting questions. Will it be compatible with the Xbox 360 or even the Xbox? HD? Online? Again, aside from Moore's comments, Microsoft is keeping silent.

We'll keep you posted as more information on the phantom handheld device develops. You can read the Business Week story here.
Like said in the article, it will be competing in the markets of PSP and IPOD.
Let's see how this turns out....
Well,they're entering the fray waaay too late.I think the situation wll be similiar to that of the XBox/PS2,with the PS2 getting more market share due to an early release...
^^The biggest competitor in this space is not going to be Sony, its going to be nintendo. The Gameboys and the DS'es have tonnes better games than the PSP. Thats the competitor MS will have to beat if they are to succeed.
^you're right. not to mention that Nintendo have far more experience when it comes to handhelds than anyone else right now. if it's only down to the games, i'd go for a nintendo handheld any day.
Nobody is moving Nintendo from their throne in handhelds! The fanboys exceed the limit, they'd choose Nindy handhelds over any other regardless if its better.
Look at how DS is selling like crazy more than the PSP. The DS Lite along with Resident Evil DS's publicity will put more damages.
Hehe looks like you don't know the Super Nintendo - Sega Genesis story :P. Even when you are at the top, you can't sleep.
bluffmaster said:
But whatever microsoft makes is a quality product ! I hope that xboy is atleast comparable to psp !

yeah next time u are playing a game in xbox its gonna crash :bleh:
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