Microsoft Intune solution : Not able to Download/save any data


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My organisation uses Microsoft Intune solution/Microsoft Entra ID. I access my official mail at home PC occasionally through mandatory configuring EDGE for my work/official profile. I am able to access mail at https://outlook[dot]offi[]ce365[dot]com through work profile in EDGE.
I can access mail but neither able to print anything or download any attachment.

Anybody have any solution then please guide. I would like to save pdf and excel attachments. Following popup always stops. My company wont help any further

Trying to bypass company protections could be grounds for a warning or more severe punishment. Would advice to have a word with someone from IT.

Secondly, the system might have been setup with Conditional Access with Information Rights policies to prevent you from copying data on non company devices which is out of control, like your home PC

Coming to the bypass - you need to tinker around in developer tools to identify the source of the file and try to download from there.
Coming to the bypass - you need to tinker around in developer tools to identify the source of the file and try to download from there.
How to proceed for to download any excel or pdf file. Even copy and paste through mouse drag do not work. there must be some work-around. I can take screenshots but those are not productive, just time waste