Microsoft knew Xbox could damage your discs

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And did nothing
Well, we have to congratulate Microsoft on this one, as this is probably one of the prototypical user-unfriendly practices in the console world. A document unsealed in a lawsuit last week suggests that Microsoft was aware that Xbox 360 could damage your discs, and launched it anyway.

There are currently a couple of lawsuits charging Microsoft of Xbox 360’s defective design. The defect in question occurs when you tilt or swivel your console, which can introduce some serious scratches on your disc.

Microsoft program manager, Hiroo Umeno, says Microsoft knew about it and as soon as the first issue was reported, they immediately knew the cause.

Microsoft’s solution ended up being non-existent, although they sent the team of engineers to investigate the problem. There were three possible solutions, of which two would meddle with the already installed mechanisms or increase loading times, whereas the third possible solution would’ve cost Microsoft an arm and a leg. So instead, Microsoft did nothing.

Microsoft later instituted an Xbox 360 disc replacement program, but it only applied to Microsoft titles and cost $20 per disc. Hey, it’s more money, who can argue with that? As for the actual solution, Microsoft now just instructs users not to move the console until they remove the disc, as if we have never thought of that on our own.

Fudzilla - Microsoft knew Xbox could damage your discs

Suit: Microsoft knew Xbox could damage discs
MS was also familiar with RROD problem and didnt take much action to cure it while designing..... i read many days back perhaps....

So looks like xbox deserved to be modded and played on rips discs..... than wasting hard earned money on such an imature product..

Thanks for the tip magnet...
Harpy.eagle said:
MS was also familiar with RROD problem and didnt take much action to cure it while designing..... i read many days back perhaps....
Now they have released Jasper Xbox 360 to counter RROD
broar94 said:
Now they have released Jasper Xbox 360 to counter RROD

Not really. Its just an incremental process change. Costs them less :bleh: Thats why they did it. Else they could have done this much earlier if it was to fix the RROD. Just not financially viable to fix it with a GPU redesign etc.
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