Thats pretty good talent you got there to press accusations..
Read all my posts above, nothing negative abt mac...So cut the anti fanboy thingie..
Also, apart from your statement "im not a mac fanboy", theres nothing much to support that status, neither your posts nor you mindset..
Secondly, Im no where as knowledgable as Kingkrool or other members nor did i claim so..But neither am i a noob, to not recognise false allegations on something that works well and has 90% of worlds computers running on it..
If the problems you listed above are there and lets take your word for it and say they do exist..Mate 90% of the world is happily running windows, so i guess many over here could bring a list twice as big as you did with out much trouble, telling things that worked with windows..
Lastly, its easy to make software run smoothly when you can control the hardware its being used on, BUt when you support as much variety of hardware as windows does, If once in a while things do go wrong, theres should be no issue...
You havent mentioned your list where mac failed to do something and windows did..Ofcourse it would be foolish to think that you would, but then just so you get my point...