microwave start button stopped working

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got an electrolux microwave.. since sumdays start button isnt working.hence unable to use it.

... called up the customer care centre.. they said entire program panel will have to be changed that will cost Rs 1500 + 250 service charge :S ..

got the microwave for rs 3500.. is it worth to repair or go for a new one.. or shud i get it repaired frm a local shop for around 700rs.. dunt trust these local repair shops they may screw up

.suggestions needed

thanks in advance
Best it to go to the local guy and ask him to open it up and check. I have a Samsung model and am facing the same problem. When it stops working completely, will go and give it for fixing.

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Also, call these guys up and see if they will service the oven ;) SoSasta: Great discounts everyday!
girish925 said:
r these people reliable.. have ur tried it...

thanks for the suggestions bro :) much appreciated ...

Nope, i have not tried them. But if they can do it @ 199, i think its good enough. Plus last time i checked on another site, these coupons were sold out!
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