Budget 21-30k Mid Range PC Upgrade


I need help in buying/building a new PC. My budget and requirements are as follows:
  • Budget: 30,000
  • Existing hardware setup: E7500, G31 Mobo, 2GB Ram, 2x1TB drivers, XFX 7770 , 27" QHD, CX430 PSU
  • Components from the existing setup that you intend to keep: 2x1TB drivers, R9 270x, 27" QHD Shimian,
  • Components that you have in mind for your new PC

    I've already purchased a R9 270x, I'm looking at the i5 4440 and a H97 Mobo.
    I'm confused between a mATX and a normal ATX setup, Gigabyte has a H97 Wifi edition for around 10k, I've also seen a CM 130 and Antec ISK600 however heat is a concern given the gfx card.
    mATX is simply for the looks, I don't want it to bite me in the ass later thou. I dont mind a mid tower for around 3-4k
    I also need 8GB ram 4x2 is what I was thinking, under 5k. A normal ATX setup will save me money on the Cabby and the mobo.
    Lastly I was wondering if my CX430 would be able to handle all this, I want to cut corners since I just lost a 7770 which flamed up! and I've already spent on a 270x so I don't want to go above 30k.
    Since my use is casual, another option is to buy a i3 proccy but I don't know how future proof 2 cores will be, with the money saved I can buy a SSD.
    Here is a deal on Prime at the moment:
    Antec ISK 600 Mini Cabinet + Antec VP450 SMPS Gigabyte H97N Wifi Motherboard for 16k
    - http://www.primeabgb.com/antec-isk-...p450-smps-gigabyte-h97n-wifi-motherboard.html
  • Plans to upgrade in the future: Not for the next 5 years!
  • Places from where you will buy components along with your location: Lamington road or Online - convenience over a few bucks
  • Are you comfortable with buying secondhand components from the market : Only Ram
  • Intended use of the PC [gaming/office use/rendering/HD playback etc] : Mostly just movies and a bit of FIFA on 1440p
  • Brand preferences: Gigabyte for Mobo, Intel CPU, Corsair or Antec for Cabinet
  • Monitor resolution and size: 27" 1440p QHD
  • Will you be overclocking your setup?: Nope
  • Which OS will you use?: Win 8
Option 1:
i5 4440 - 11.5k
Gigabyte H97M Wifi - 10k
Corsair 8 GB Ram - 5k
Antec ISK600 or CM 130 - 4.5k
Bitfenix Prodigy or Phenom - 7k
Total: (a) 31k, (b) Bitfenix 34k
PrimeAGBG Offer: (c) Antec ISK600 + H97 Wifi + Antec VP450 : 16k + rest = 32.5k

Option 2:

i5 4440 - 11.5k
Gigabyte/Asus H97M - 7.5k
Corsair 8 GB Ram - 5k
Antec V1 - 3.5k
Total: 27.5k

Option 3:
i3 4130 - 7k
Gigabyte/Asus H97M - 7.5k
Corsair 8 GB Ram - 5k
Antec V1 - 3.5k
128GB SSD - 5k
Total: 28k

R9 270x
27" 1440p
2 x 1TB
Corsair CX430