
It does not use VOIP, it uses callback service - u type in the number u want to dial and it call u first and then calls to the destination number.
Hi guys, let be give some short guide lines on what we can find out from mig33.

Everyone must been heard or used mig33 application before, right? For those who haven’t tried out their services, you can do so by visiting to their website at mig33 homepage

You can get Instant Messenger, cheap calls, SMS and chat room from mig33 application through your mobile devices. But there are much more you can find out from this application because mig33 has made an unprecedented breakthrough for their new website and new features for the application.

Did you guy out there heard of Ajax Chat, Scrap Book, Picture Sharing, Picture Sharing and VOIP Toolbar? Yes, that is the new features that we can find out from the website and mig33 application. Surprisingly, we can use their services not only from our mobile device but as well as from your PC.

If you want to know more about the features like mention above [VOIP calls], you can go to:

mig33 homepage

I have been using this application past a months. What i can say is this application are great because im not with my PC everyday and the IM are usefull to me when i want to contact to my friends and work. Beside that, i was calling to HK all the time, this will help me to save money on the calls charges as well. All i need to pay is the GPRS usage that charge by my local telco. It is cheap compare with the local line i use.

You can try it out later on, then you will get what i mean here. To download the application, you can go to mig33 homepage or by phone wap.mig33.com

Hope the screenchot below wil help you as well:

hey luizpng, the application was great. i just tried it with 2 of my phone nokia N73 and N96. it work great.

thanks for that.

i heard from mig33, they are currently having a cricket event. if you guys interested with cricket, feel free to go there.