Min by Min Updating display of weblog postings, around the world

Real time & updating display of weblog postings, around the world

Weblogs.com + geocoding + RSS + Flash + Earth

Is it really real-time?
Nearly! Weblogs.com updates about once per minute. the geo-blog poller checks about once per minute. and flash checks in with the server about once per minute. so at worse, it's 3 minutes in the past, at best 1 minute.

Why so few blogs?
Only ~13% of weblogs are geocoded (May 2003)

How do I?
Add GeoTags and RSS tag to your Blog, then Ping Weblogs.com

The World as a Blog
When we TE said that we are gonna make it the best Tech Site we were/are not joking,we try to bring you the best & latest in the tech world for you to enjoy.
I am glad you enjoy them mate ;)