Mini-review and Pics: PlayStation Experience: Delhi

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Here's a small round-up of the PlayStation Experience 08 held at Ansal Plaza: Delhi:

1st booth: Driving Games

Available games:

1) Motostorm: Pacific Rift

2) Grand Torismo 5 Prologue

3) Ridge Racer 7

4) Need For Speed: Undercover

It was a good mix of different driving games although I greatly missed Burnout Paradise and Pure. Motostorm looked ok ok. It looked highly pixeleted with no Antialiasing at all. One one LCD it looked pretty bad but on the other looked ok as it was running a different track. GT 5 Prologue looked pretty good and maybe the best among all racers. Need For Speed: Undercover looked ok'ish, it had too much color according to my taste... didn't bother to play it after reading the reviews. I tried my hands on Motostorm, GT5 and Ridge Racer. I had pretty much fun playing Ridge Racer with my friend in split screen mode.

2nd booth: PSP

Available games:

1) Ratchet and Clank

2) Everybody's Golf

3) Forgot the other games...

Didn't bother to play PSP games as i own a PSP.

3rd booth: Sports Games

Available games:

1) Fifa 09

2) Cricket (donno the version): looked aweful...

3) Tiger Woods Golf 09

4) NBA 09

5) Facebraker

Fifa 09 looked gr8. I had gr8 fun playing it against my friend. NBA 09 looked good too. Tiger Woods and Facebraker were ok ok.

4th Booth: Action Games

Available games:

1) Mirror's Edge

2) Heavenly Sword

3) God of War 2

4) Uncharted: Drake's fortune

5) Forgot the other 2 games :)

One of the best booth for sure! Mirror's Edge was awesome! I played it and throughly enjoyed it. Really an innovative game!

Heavenly Sword looked gorgeous although i couldn't play it. GOW2 didn't look that good, felt like a PS2 port.

Uncharted looked mouth-watering...

5th Booth: Blue Ray + LBP

Available games: LBP + Blue Ray Trailers

This one had some blue ray trailers and LBP. I couldn't try LBP as one LCD was down and other one was busy :(

6th Booth: Shooting Games

Available Games: Resistence 1 and 2, Killzone 2, Dead Space

This booth was a paradise for FPS lovers. I played Killzone 2 only as the booth was quite crowded. Killzone 2 and Resistence 2 looked awesome. I liked Resistence 2 graphics better since Killzone level was a bit dark. Killzone looked quite good and had a long gameplay time. Although it sucked to play an FPS with a controller. I had a very hard time killing enemies with the controller so didn't enjoy it much. The enemy AI looked brilliant as they kept on moving from their positions at all times and were rarely standing at the same point.

Resistence2 looked awesome. The demo level was made on a very large scale with a big boss fight, so it looked quite good.

7th Booth: Singing

Available Games: Singstar

This booth was meant for all ages. It had the Singstar game with both hindi and english tracks. I throughly enjoyed singing the hindi songs (I sang "Rubaroo" and "Koyi kahe kehta rahe" with my friend. Got the 2nd highest score. I could have got the highest score but the track wasn't complete.

8th Booth: Eye Toy

Available Games: Some eye toy games

This was a small booth with 2-3 LCDs with Eye Toy camera attached. I gave this one a skip.

Finally they had a uber small counter with some PS3 and PSP games along with some pamplet ads.

Overall it was a nice experience with games meant for all age groups. A big letdown was the lack of new dualshock controller and booth babes.

I hope we have more such events in future.

Games i liked playing:

1) Mirror's Edge

2) Fifa 09

3) Singstar Bolywood


1) Most latest and upcoming games (Mirror's Edge, Killzone 2, Resistence 2)

2) Separate booths for different genres.

3) Well organized event.

4) Lots of support staff but all males :(


1) Old PS3 Six Axis controller (No dualshock 3 :(): What the fcuk

2) No booth babes :(:(:(

3) No Burnout Paradise, Pure and MGS4: Big letdown for me

4) Lot of crappy background music.


Did anybody from TE attend it?
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No PSP 3000 as well :(, I asked every Sony guy there, and no one had even heard about it.

You forgot to mention that Japanese horror game, even I forgot the name. IT had that fuzzy static(deliberate) display. I liked it :) No mindless punching buttons :)
montylee said:
yup that's me :)
why didn't u come? U should have attended since u r a PC gamer.

good to see you in a pic atleast....abe get married and then ask this question again....:bleh: :P
thebanik said:
good to see you in a pic atleast....abe get married and then ask this question again....:bleh: :P
saale itni saari benchmarking karta rehta hai tabh biwi kuchh nahi kehti?
yeh toh sirf 1-2 days ka event u shd have attended. Ur wife would also have enjoyed it as it had singstar and some other family stuff. There were quite a number of guys with their girlfriends.
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