PC Peripherals Misc questions about air flow and case internal placement.

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Ok I know they're quite a few questions. But meh... something has got me kicked.

All the following questions are purely about technical performance. No human ease consideration.

1. Does it matter in which way a HDD is placed? Does it matter that its kept vertical or horizontal or diagonal? I've seen external hard disks that sit vertically on their docks, so I don't think it matters. Just confirming.

2. Whats a good way to cool HDDs? Suppose I stack 3 HDD's on top of each other or if kept vertically next to each other. I stick a fan on the non-cable side with the air flow direction being away from HDDs. Is this enough? 24x7 usage, but not necessarily HDD intensive.

3. Is there a minimum distance that needs to be there between two HDDs?

4. Do PSU's have a specific orientation? Does it matter if keep them bottom side up or top side down? (wondering this cause of how I want the fan to face)

5. For a PSU like Newegg.com - CORSAIR CMPSU-750TX 750W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Power Supply - Power Supplies does it have 2 fans? I see only one on the bottom side. The one I use currently has one on the backside not the bottom. Does this fan throw air out or suck it in?

6. For case like say CM690, with component place like so http://www.techenclave.com/rig-galle...mage-6130.html (hope you don't mind FaH33m).

(a) There is probably one intake fan at the bottom of the front side of the case.

(b) The one exhaust next to the CPU on the back side of the case.

(c) Cpu fan pointing downwards... is this exhaust? If this is, its throwin air on the card. Bad thing no?

(d) Gfx card fan pointing downwards, again exhaust? Throwing air down to the end of a cabinet which is going no where unless there are holes around it, cuz there is a inward air flow because of (a).

Isn't this whole setup of fans kinda messy? No smooth air flow. Air being thrown left right and center. The ideal air flow of cool air coming from front-bottom, becoming lighter cause of heat + getting sucked out from the top-rear, just isn't happening. Most air goes through the cpu fan or gfx fan to get thrown down. So like... wtf is happening? AM I going about this the wrong way?

7. Finally which is better. Positive or negative air flow? Before you ask me to watch that smoke video showing positive air flow is better, I've seen it. But lotsa of sites say negative is better and an equal number say the opposite. What are we to do, to be on the safe side, if we can't experiment much?

8. Are there any mobos out there that use a form factor bigger than the regular full ATX? excluding server ones of course.

I have a few more, which I can't remember and are just as annoyingly specific as these ones.

Thank you so much!!!

Working on something, need these things sorted.
1. does not matter

2. enough

3. 5mm to 1cm enough

4. does not matter

5. suck air in and throw from back

6. no comment
6.c : The fan in not facing down on CPU heatsink, it's throwing air upwards, on the heatsink, which passes through heatsink and exits from vents on top of CM690. I have exact same heatsink in exact same arrangement in same case (CM690)

6.d : No the graphic card fan also not throwing air downwards. It takes air in, throws on heatsink and PCB of graphic card.
Myth_Pharoah said:

6. For case like say CM690, with component place like so http://www.techenclave.com/rig-gallery/rigfullimage-6130.html (hope you don't mind FaH33m).

(a) There is probably one intake fan at the bottom of the front side of the case.

(b) The one exaust next to the CPU on the back side of the case.

(c) Cpu fan pointing downwards... is this exhaust? If this is, its throwin air on the card. Bad thing no?

(d) Gfx card fan pointing downwards, again exhaust? Throwing air down to the end of a cabinet which is going to go no where unless there are holes around it, cuz there is a inward air flow from the f

naah ..i dont mind at all infact will be more than happy if someone corrects any mistake of mine or suggests a better solution.

the thing is this is the first time ive got such high end components with a cabinet fitting almost 7 120mm fans. so the logic that i applied while fitting the fans was this-

a)the fan at the bottom is a intake fan because that's the way it's supposed to be according the arrows shown on the box of CM 690 as well as this

b)Yes.the fan on rear is exhaust and throws out the hot air coming from the core contact freezer's side(v shaped)


I have purposely not installed the core contact freezer the way it should be cause,

if i turn the CCF and try to fit in a way that CPU fan blows air towards the rear of cabinet then ...

>>the CCF cause obstruction to the motherboard heatsink(only while fitting) and the side panel doesnt fit completely in such a position as it touches the CCF.

so the current position was the only possible way for me though its not give optimum airflow/temperature.

c)Cpu fan(attached to CCF) is pushing air towards the core contact freezer ,therby cooling the CCF .

^^ i am not sure if that's the way it's supposed to be..but i just thought since all heatsink fans push towards the heatsink i fixed it that way.

and the exhuast fan attached to the top of CM 690 throws out the hot air which passes from the CCF and comes out on the other side.

and yeah i dont think the CPU fan is blowing any hot air on the gfx card since its blowing towards the CCF.(ie it's NOT exhaust)

also the blue LED fan on the side panel is again an intake which blows air towards the graphics card/CPU fan area..

d)i guess thats the only way you can fix the graphics card.into the PCI-e slot.:bleh:

hope i am right in the above assumptions ..Gurus please correct me if i am wrong.

Sunnyboi has already answered 1-5 and here ive tried to explain 6.hope your doubts are cleared now.:hap2:
Point 7; A negative flow will bring in more dust/ cool air but if in an A/C room, positive will be better due to the lesser intake of dust.
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