madnav Forerunner Nov 19, 2010 #1 [ROM] Android 2.2 MIUI for Desire and Nexus One- !!INSANE COMPLETE UI OVERHAUL!! - xda-developers xda-dev is the reason along with SenseUI that makes me drool over an HTC.. and ofcourse the aluminium unibody !!
[ROM] Android 2.2 MIUI for Desire and Nexus One- !!INSANE COMPLETE UI OVERHAUL!! - xda-developers xda-dev is the reason along with SenseUI that makes me drool over an HTC.. and ofcourse the aluminium unibody !!
H hide0us Contributor Nov 20, 2010 #2 This is what seems to be version 0.9.20 at present. Had hard times downloading it. And then had even harder times making it run smoothly. Still buggy and translations arent complete. Must admit though, the Ui is simply awesome.
This is what seems to be version 0.9.20 at present. Had hard times downloading it. And then had even harder times making it run smoothly. Still buggy and translations arent complete. Must admit though, the Ui is simply awesome.