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Hey guys need a nice MMORPG to play here in India.

Done with my 12th and entrances and need something to desperately pass the time.

Already tried Ragnarok and Crazy cart and checked A3 India but it seems thier server is being terminated.

P.S. Almost forgot, it has to be free!! :bleh:
dark.lord.rules said:
srry to go offtopic but this zuzu guy is of vodafone wats he doin with the idea thing ? :O :O

I like Zoozoo n I support the Mumbai Indians and I ain't using them for commercial purposes so it doesn't matter.
you could try free realms, new mmo from sony and it's free to play (although it has microtransactions). to be honest though, the really good ones have subscriptions, so you should consider them.
Free good ones

Ryzom - I got a friend who is addicted to this. (This mmoprg is different from others cause people actually help you. Very supportive community.)

Perfect World - great mmorpg anime theme based :)
Speedz said:
Tell me about the paid ones then, apart from WoW that is.

Paid ones you do not have many good choices -
WoW(PvE)(Player Vs Environment)
Warhammer Online(PvP)(Player vs Player)

Other ones are not worth it, eg Age of Conan, Eve Online, LoTR Online etc

Problem with MMORPGs is unless u game during the day, there won't be many people online during IST evenings since player base is mostly American. I haven't tried the European versions since I did live in the US for a few years and are more comfortable as a result.

Oh these games cost ~50$ to buy and ~15$ monthly. Not cheap, but worth it for the dedicated service the companies provide.

WAR is quite good and is less demanding than WoW. You can logon, go search and kill people, take forts etc. WoW is better if u can spend time grinding and grinding and ...well grinding :P

In the end, its a matter of preference, whether u like PvE or PvP.
Vinny said:
Other ones are not worth it, eg Age of Conan, Eve Online, LoTR Online etc

wow. lord of the rings online is the second most popular mmo in the world. and eve online has the most mature, helpful community in any mmo. not to mention it is also one of the most popular and different mmo games around.
spindoctor said:
wow. lord of the rings online is the second most popular mmo in the world. and eve online has the most mature, helpful community in any mmo. not to mention it is also one of the most popular and different mmo games around.

Heard eve online has a very difficult learning curve. Also it has had like a 11th expansion recently. Would probably take some getting used to the new stuff not to mention the cost of buying them. An EVE online vet can explain this better than me.

Anyways, playing MMORPGs from India sucks bigtime, unless they bring out India specific servers. It isn't fun soloing most of the time, waiting for the group to fill up. This coming from someone who played WoW for 2.5 years and WAR for 6 months.

To the OP, if you aren't worried about graphics and just want to kill some time , i suggest Diablo 2. Old but still immensely playable and best of all no monthly charges. If you are looking something longer, then you could check the ones mentioned in all the posts above.
Vinny said:
Heard eve online has a very difficult learning curve. Also it has had like a 11th expansion recently. Would probably take some getting used to the new stuff not to mention the cost of buying them. An EVE online vet can explain this better than me.

Anyways, playing MMORPGs from India sucks bigtime, unless they bring out India specific servers. It isn't fun soloing most of the time, waiting for the group to fill up. This coming from someone who played WoW for 2.5 years and WAR for 6 months.

To the OP, if you aren't worried about graphics and just want to kill some time , i suggest Diablo 2. Old but still immensely playable and best of all no monthly charges. If you are looking something longer, then you could check the ones mentioned in all the posts above.

eve has the hardest learning curve of any mmo out there. believe it or not, this rather funny picture is very, very accurate.


it's crazy how difficult it is to get into the game, but if you do, it is said to be the most rewarding mmo experience of them all. and you can kind of see why that is... everyone plays on one server (50,000 peak concurrency) and anything that happens in the eve economy or politics makes news in the gaming world. the economy is so complex that even the developers don't understand it completely. if you lose in a fight in pvp, you can actually lose your ship and contents. this makes pvp very dangerous and some people find the risk stimulating. in a genre full of wow clones, eve online is one of the very, very few mmos that does something different and successfully.

also, every eve expansion is free. even now, the game costs only 15$ on steam and that will give you access to all the content and future expansions. you also get a free month for buying the game, which has a subscription of 15$ a month anyway.

as for playing mmorpgs from india, it's actually alright. i played wow for a couple of years as well on oceanic servers and even though the actual servers were located in california, my ping used to be between 500-800/1000 which was playable. and playing on oceanic servers meant the others players were in australia/malaysia/singapore etc. so the time difference wasn't that bad. i found a late night guild and i was never short of people to group/raid/pvp with. if you play on european servers, the pings could even be better i assume (i ping about 200 to uk servers).
Vinny said:
Paid ones you do not have many good choices -

WoW(PvE)(Player Vs Environment)

Warhammer Online(PvP)(Player vs Player)

Other ones are not worth it, eg Age of Conan, Eve Online, LoTR Online etc


LoTRO > WoW :P

But then again I'll admit that is coming out of fanboyism, since I'm level 48 in LoTRO and never played WoW, but I've seen my bro level up to level 70 on it, then bought LoTRO, then canceled his WoW subscriptions, and got me hooked too and has never looked back.
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