Mobile Damage / Theft Insurance, any good?

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Yesterday I went to The Mobile Store and to my surprise the guys at mobile store offered me theft insurance for rs 149 for mobile below 10k and rs 199 for above 10k,so that if mobile gets stolen within 3 months of purchase you will get 90% of the current price, 3 to 6 months 75% and 6 to 12 months 50%. you have to just attach FIR copy. I wanted to know what may be the consequences if somebody intentionally pretend mobile theft and use that phone without sim as an entertainment gadget e.g. if somebody buys samsung galaxy sl/defy at approx 20k and claims insurance within 3 months you will get 18k return, so that he will get an entertainment gadget for rs 2k, this offer may end in march..

EDIT : 27.2.11 2.23 PM

One of my friend just called me to inform me about his stolen Ideos u8150(INR 8500) mobile bought just week before under the same scheme(case of real theft) now the mobile store guys told him to register FIR and he did that, now they'll refund CASH in 48 days. lets see!!!
Not sure how the procedure is now , but a couple of years ago when a friend lost his mobile the police refused to register a FIR saying mobile theft is too common or some flimsy excuse. Probably for the same reasons you mention in your post. So check up on that first
rusty4ever said:
Yesterday I went to The Mobile Store and to my surprise the guys at mobile store offered me theft insurance for rs 149 for mobile below 10k and rs 199 for above 10k,so that if mobile gets stolen within 3 months of purchase you will get 90% of the current price, 3 to 6 months 75% and 6 to 12 months 50%. you have to just attach FIR copy. I wanted to know what may be the consequences if somebody intentionally pretend mobile theft and use that phone without sim as an entertainment gadget e.g. if somebody buys samsung galaxy sl/defy at approx 20k and claims insurance within 3 months you will get 18k return, so that he will get an entertainment gadget for rs 2k

That's a brilliant plan! :O But are you sure they'll pay you back cash or give store credit?
Dealing with mobile insurance is a big mess!!!
Never ever go for it. At least not in todays world when you can simply get lots of choices no matter it is stolen or you need a new flashy model.
Why do a fraud for a mere rupees n run to the police and insurance people ??

I still wonder how people loose their cellphones....

Btw if police comes to know about the fraudulent thing then you better be prepared for a surprise...mind it!!;)
ronit said:
I still wonder how people loose their cellphones....
I lost my 10 day old C7 to a pick pocket. He stole it while I was getting out of the bus. While getting out, somebody was pushing me. Once I got out, felt some emptiness and realised it was gone. The sad part is one guy who was sitting inside the bus saw it, but kept quiet. Only when I went inside the bus again to search, he told me. That too when I had 2/3 EMIs remaining to pay, and no insurance. :(
unni said:
I lost my 10 day old C7 to a pick pocket. He stole it while I was getting out of the bus. While getting out, somebody was pushing me. Once I got out, felt some emptiness and realised it was gone. The sad part is one guy who was sitting inside the bus saw it, but kept quiet. Only when I went inside the bus again to search, he told me. That too when I had 2/3 EMIs remaining to pay, and no insurance. :(
That's really sad :( And more when you have EMI's to pay. :(

That's why I'm really afraid of buying mobiles higher than 10k.

This is the case in max. places in India, where we travel in crowded bus / metro, the thing is we get place to stand there hardly so it's impossible to be concerned about mobile / wallet etc. Nothing can be done and pick pocketers use the situation...

When I had to travel by bus / metro, I keep my right hand on pocket and use another hand to hold rods. I know this thing creates problems for others who are standing beside me, specially if a lady is standing beside, I do argue with them when they ask me to take my hand out of pocket, but I don't, no matter what...I can't risk my accessories while going through rush office hours....
Pretty sure it would be impossible to prove a mobile has been stolen, especially to an insurance company :D
do you think that filing a FIR will be that easy ? Most times police wont even accept the complaint.

And if they do, and it comes to payout, the insurance company will have its own set of questions
Mobile Phone Insurance - Is it legit?

Hi Guys,

I wanted to start this topic in order to clear some of my doubts. So here it goes:

I bought a Samsung Wave S8500 a few months back. With it I got a free damage/theft insurance. The insurance was from warrantyasia which judging from their site : Mobile Phone Insurance, Laptop Insurance, iPod Insurance, Other Device Insurance looks like a legit company.

Unfortunately I dropped my wave within a month of its purchase and the screen got damaged. I got the screen replaced and it cost me 5k. Now, I had a talk with the insurance company before getting my screen replaced and all they required was a snap of the damaged screen, original bill and the imei No. of the device. I sent all of these documents to them through a courier the very next day and they said that it would take roughly around a month for my claim cheque to reach me. It has been more than 2.5 months now and I am still to receive any cheque from them. I have tried talking to them several times and everytime they say that it would reach me within 15 days. But I am running outta patience now.

Its not about money, its about commitment. Now, I wanna know my options here. Is this something which if need be I could take to a consumer court? Do I contact the dealer about this? because as far as I understand, the dealer doesn't have any role in this except for giving a crappy insurance with the phone. Do I physically go to the office of this insurance company? or do I wait a little more?

Does anyone have any experience with mobile insurance? If yes, did you get your claim on time?

Bluff~ :)
First, call them again and tell its already more than 3 months of waiting & confirm whether they have even acted upon your request or not or are they just making you run here and there. If still nothing helps then speak to their head personnel directly.
Isn't this topic seemingly illegal?? :|

What if someone gets incited to get an insurance for the cellphone and then purposely lodge a false FIR and claim insurance benefits??

That would be illegal, right?? And we don't promote illegal stuff on TE... We are a clean forum...

Aces170 said:
We are a clean forum here, any sort of illegal activity or any discussion encouraging one will be dealt with bans.
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