Mobile Help needed

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Hi guys,
I recently received two mobile phones from USA from a relative of mine for my grand-parents.
Well, I haven't tested but my parents said that their Airtel sims didnt work on them.
Can anyone tell me the reason for the sims to not work, if any?
I need to get those cells to work.
Models- One is a samsung, dunno which model and another one is a MotoRazer

Thanks in advance
Well The phones seem to be "LOCKED" to a particular network in USA.

What this means is that the phones were taken on contract, and thus will work with only sim cards of that particular network.

In order to use the phone in India , oe as you say an Airtel sim, you will have to get the phone "unlocked".

Goto any mobile repair shops in your area and I think they will do it for you..
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