Mobile Internet to exceed PC in India

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Use of the mobile Web is set to overtake fixed-line Internet in India by the end of the year, as the country’s mobile revolution continues at full speed.

Statistics from statcounter – via – show that a steady depreciation in the use of Internet from PCs is coinciding with continued grow of Web surfing from mobile devices. The data suggests that, with PC usage just a few percent points ahead, the lines will cross and access from mobile will overtake the PC before the end of the year.

Mobile Internet to exceed PC in India

In What respect?

No. of users? avg speed? data transferred? No. of connections? ARPU? Pages visited per minute? (and a dozen more such metrics)

There are quite a few metrics, which are they talking about in the article?
in what respect? - its from what device they use to access internet. they might have some script to see what browser is being used to access web pages (which have statcounter installed) and have just tabulated the results.
in what respect? - its from what device they use to access internet. they might have some script to see what browser is being used to access web pages (which have statcounter installed) and have just tabulated the results.

Again, that quote contains 2 different stats

It could be the number of deivces, or it could be the number of hits

The y axis has no label

Stats are kind of pointless without proper context
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