Mobile needed with megapixel cam, mp3 player, speakerphone

As my query got lost in the mobile phone advisor thread I am opening a new thread to get more suggestions :)

motorheadinc said:
Need the cheapest possible phone for my father. His Nokia 5300 is playing nasty since a few days now.


1) Decent Megapixel camera (1.3 or 2 will do)

2) FM/Music with memory card slot (SDhc) and speakerphone.

3) Decent battery life.

I would prefer candybar phones, no flip/slide please.

Already seen Nokia 2690 (but its got VGA camera) rest all is fine.

Not biased towards or against any brand but definitely want a phone which looks good, has a solid feel and a smooth interface.

Budget: 3.5K (Lower the better)

Thanks in Advance
Have already been suggested Alcatel i650 (ebay price 1690). How is this phone. I know Alcatel is a reputed brand so I am considering this.

Any other suggestions apart from this?