Mobile Towers at home ..are they health issues?

What I wanted to say the cause for the birds was not taken seriously
How do you know this?

I didn't misinterpret what you said. I am objecting to you impugning the courts on no valid basis.

The courts are most serious place on earth. They take cases on and not unusual for the one who filed the case to bail out. Courts don't stop. They will follow whatever to the natural conclusion.
and yes they did not found any scientific evidence so was dismissed completely as waste of time.
She was fined too about 20 lakh but was later reduced to 2 lakh.

Though 2 lakh might not be anything for her but in a country where people are getting away with all kinds of murders and rape without any fine using many loopholes in the laws.

Someone trying to raise a noble concern for a cause is being fined as waste of time.
This underlined bit is why I said look for the judgement. All will be explained to your satisfaction without casting unnecessary aspersions and gossip.

But I understand it takes effort to find and still more to read and understand isnt it.
Not safe to use at close proximity for extended periods of time.

As to why not safe or how not safe that needs further examination
Now you got my point sir... better safe than sorry.... straightaway declaring mobile towers as completely safe will be a big mistake...
Now you got my point sir... better safe than sorry....
If one didn't know the radiation level or its value was not fixed.

But by publishing this value and testing by the fcc and equivalent orgs in other countries forces compliance so we know the phone on sale is safe.

Decade old article. You could use the same line here too.


There is an article ive used before from years back that explained things well. Can't find it now.
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Now you got my point sir... better safe than sorry.... straightaway declaring mobile towers as completely safe will be a big mistake...
I am not trying to be condescending here but are you aware of electromagnetic waves and the entire spectrum?
All EM waves are the same, they only differ in frequency (and/or wavelength inversely).
In order of the decreasing frequency:
Gamma rays > X rays > Ultraviolet > Visible light (violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red) > Infrared > Microwave > Radio wave > High frequency AC > Low frequency AC
These labels (gamma, X rays, microwaves etc,) only designated the means of producing that wave, but all of them are same, and governed by the exact same physics.

Due to our understanding of the quantum physics, we know that the photons of higher frequencies carry higher energy, therefore the effect of higher frequency electromagnetic wave is drastically different on atoms compared to the lower frequency. The higher frequency spectrum is also known as ionizing - for precisely this reason.

Every day, from dawn till dusk we are exposed to UV+Visible+Infrared radiation.
Every night, we are exposed to Infrared radiation (any kind of radiative heat that you feel, hot tawa, fire, the person whose pee-pee you are touching).
No one bats an eyelid! We are only concerned with UV radiation (causes sun burns, ageing, tanning, cellular damage etc,) but not the visible or infrared spectrum.
All this easily tells you about the amount of scaremongering, non-technically educated people have spread about low energy radiation like micro and radio waves.

This is not to say that there are no undesirable effects.
Just like infrared is non-harmful radiation but can cause burns with high intensity or prolonged exposure, same way some frequencies in microwave excites specific molecules like water, fats which due to resonance can cause those molecules to heat up. (the very same principle utilized in kitchen microwave ovens). Similarly, other undesirable effects like