mobipocket to text converter

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I have a lot of ebooks in the mobipocket format (.prc). I need to convert these to text files as i want to install the books on a java based mobile. There is a java version of Mobipocket reader, that also installs on my Samsung phone - displays the book name - but can't (beta) open the book.
What I'll do is convert the mobipocket books (if there is a way) to text format and convert them to java midlet using Redamaniac and install them on the phone.
My question is, is there a way to convert the mobipocket books to text forma?
ABC Amber Palm Converter

reads PDB and PRC (Palm) files
exports to PDF (doesn't require Adobe Acrobat to be installed), HTML, RTF (MS Word doesn't need to be installed), CHM, HLP, TXT (ANSI and Unicode), MS DOC (MS Word)
supports batch conversion
easy to use and easy to set up
supports advanced PDF export options
supports multiple CHM and HLP export options
command line support, multiple language support, skin support
bonus: converts books to RB (Rocket eBook), FB2 (FictionBook) and LIT (MS Reader) (since 2.01)

Free download ABC Amber Palm Convertor, convert PDB, PRC documents to PDF, HTML, CHM, HLP, RTF, DOC, TXT
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