CPU/Mobo mobo.

I hav a 5200+ amd processor, 1gb ram 667mhz, dvd writer&samung harddisk(both pata).kindly suggest a good gaming mobo at around 2.7k. later on i wud be buying a 512mb ddr3 G C when there prices drop. suggest me a mobo with pata slots for harddisk & dvd writer.
i dont think there are any mobos with two IDE channels at that price point. you will have to convert one of the hard disks to USB. Even then , you wont be able to write from the HDD to DVD because both are on the same channel. the cheapest mobo which has two IDE channels is 4k+ . rather than that , get a sata HDD/DVD writer....

as for the mobo. A jetway 690V based mobo / gigabyte 6100 based mobo should do your job
:tongue: 690G mobo has a single pata slot. if i connect both my pata hdd & pata dvd writer to that pata slot then will i be able to write dvd. i hope u all understand my question.
none of the cheap boards have 2 IDE channels . You'll either have to get a SATA hdd or SATA writer. Technically you *CAN* write , but i've tried , and it always fails :(
my burn process always fails. You can read,

but indrajeet, can you WRITE properly?

PS: you dont have to trick folks into answering questions. ANd you didnt even have to make this new thread. We'd have solved your query there itself..

some people have no manners :no:
greenhorn said:
my burn process always fails. You can read,

but indrajeet, can you WRITE properly?

PS: you dont have to trick folks into answering questions. ANd you didnt even have to make this new thread. We'd have solved your query there itself..

some people have no manners :no:

hey greeny..

shudnt fail....

thh only reason it ll fail is if u have chosen too high a write speed.

try picking a lower one and let me kno if it still fails :D
greenhorn said:
what X do you use then ?

Firstly, sorry for the thread jack :p

i dont have the same system, that one was for my cousin ;) but i have often experienced this on other boards too when the HDD n DVD writer on same channel.

To test, simply try a burn on the lowest speed possible in ur application. ( i m assuming of course that u use something nice like Nero which lets u pick :) )
If you get coasters -> try a lower speed.

If you get failure on verifying compilation -> use lower speeds. Also check your cable.

What IDE cable do you have?

Most new ones have 80 wires (40 for data transfer and 40 shielding wires inbetween to reduce errors).

May be worthwhile to replace your IDE cable if you have an old unshielded one.
why is the thread titled the way it is?

Greeny, you just need to choose a low write speed if running a PATA HDD and ODD off the same cable