OC & Modding Modders... Help needed...


I need a worklog/pics of a good wodden case design... Can somebody provide me with the same...

Thanks !

OK this won't make a true wooden case mod, but if done corrrectly you can mimic a wooden case mod.
Purchase some real oak veneer and adhere it to the case correctly. Try to keep the cuts straight and lined up with each side so that It looks professional.
Once adhered to the case carefully sand edges and corners to a smooth rounded edges to match casing. Then carefully stain, lacquer, or clear coat your case to your desired effect.
I will attempt to get a pic. of mine in the near future and post it here. If you have a great deal of knowledge working with wood you might even be able to use a piece of 1 X 6 oak and duplicate the face plate like I did on one of my rigs. I have found that real 1/16 thick oak paneling/veneer works best and gives the best look and appeal.

Sometimes the Dragon wins!
Dragon of Indiana Res.