Modding ASUS MeeGo Netbook

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Do It Yourself
Modding ASUS MeeGo Netbook .

Two days ago I purchased a ASUS Meego Netbook..just for internet use..But with Atom single core @1.6ghz , 1 GB ram and 250 GB was a real poor experience…
But I Modded it, so this is the story..



Good Netbook very thin and light weight..

First Upgrade the RAM.. there you go 2GB 1333. That’s the MAX this net book can handle.


Now let’s see what more can be done..

For that I have to VOID the WARRANTY.

Cool.. Say bye-bye to the warranty seal…


Bought another Corsair F80 SSD for this…


HDD is out..


But what the hell,, this is a Ultra thin HDD… there is no room for SDD to be installed inside the Netbook..


Don’t worry … Say good bye to SSD Warranty..

I am loving it… … to VOID WARRANTY….



Now SSD fits inside the NetBook..

Now question is how netbook will respond to these update… So I have made two videos one of start up and second showing how fast netbook is responding.

Videos ..

I am really happy with the speed ..If I have to scale the overall performance boost for this netbook..i will say 1 for the stock netbook and 10 after the update.. it is now flying in day to day word , excel, internet surfing ..not more than that.


Rakesh Sharma
Wow. Now that is one helluva of a mod. Kissing away the warranty on the products to get more speeds!

BTW cost for the netbook and the SSD?
Netbook = 11800 SSD =9000

Main benefit is light weight + speed... Now, i can carry a laptop in my backpack, cycling to my office..

SSD have increased the backup upto half hour extra..
Slightly off topic but I was thinking along the same lines of getting something like the HP DM1Z or anything else AMD Fusion powered for close to 23-25k and then upgrading the RAM to 8GB and then in a short period upgrade to an SSD using the internal HDD(in a USB 3 Case) as a place for storing large files.Since you have already done something similar could you tell me how much the usability(Primarily in load times for Firefox,MS Office etc) has improved.My use case would be primarily Surfing, Watching HD videos and some IDE like Eclipse really not much into gaming.I am also big time into portability.
octal said:
Slightly off topic but I was thinking along the same lines of getting something like the HP DM1Z or anything else AMD Fusion powered for close to 23-25k and then upgrading the RAM to 8GB and then in a short period upgrade to an SSD using the internal HDD(in a USB 3 Case) as a place for storing large files.Since you have already done something similar could you tell me how much the usability(Primarily in load times for Firefox,MS Office etc) has improved.My use case would be primarily Surfing, Watching HD videos and some IDE like Eclipse really not much into gaming.I am also big time into portability.

SSD really improved the performance to ten time..since this is just single core atom @ 1.6...

internet is slow @ home to upload video..will do it 2moro in office...

video will give you a good idea.. also can search youtube for such videos...

HP DM1Z is good choice,, but pls check before buying, updating the hdd will viod the warranty or not ,,,

Because I don't thinks you will enjoy voiding the warranty,,like me..
rakesh_sharma23 said:
SSD really improved the performance to ten time..since this is just single core atom @ 1.6...

internet is slow @ home to upload video..will do it 2moro in office...

video will give you a good idea.. also can search youtube for such videos...

HP DM1Z is good choice,, but pls check before buying, updating the hdd will viod the warranty or not ,,,

Because I don't thinks you will enjoy voiding the warranty,,like me..

I shall check that before buying thanks.
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