Monitors Monitor has no signal after CMOS battery change

Don Targue

Hi guys & gals!
I have a bit of a strange problem. I recently did some work on a friends computer and all went well except for the CMOS giving me a message about the battery being low on charge. I simply left the computer running for a couple of hours to let it charge up a bit. I then set up the BIOS and it worked fine until I turned it off overnight and the same happened again. No problem, I just bought an identical battery & replaced it. Now though the monitor wont turn on due to it receiving no signal. I have tried my own monitor with the same result. (which I am using now on my comp with no probs). I even tried the original battery again but that didn't change anything.
The computer in question is a pentium 2 with Win ME installed.

I know it doesn't seem to make sense that a battery change would cause this. If anyone out there has any ideas they would be most welcome. Please help!
don, the only thing which has happened by cmos battery change is that, your bios has been set to default(factory setting).

i dont know about your mobo, but it can be that the pci graphics slot has now been set as default output for your video, in that case your agp slot would not get any signal.

or the onboard graphics card has been set as default for display, in that case monitor connected to pci or agp slot would get any signal.

post some more details about your mobo for our members to get better idea.
My friend had a similar problem, he had his battery chngd, de monitor dint turn on, similar to ur case, he tried 2-3 monitors, he had got it fixed, de powersupply for de monitor wasnt stable for him, so he had chngd de powersource, n it started workin, we were wonderin, it was workin perfectly till we chngd de battery, ne way dis mite b a pblm, though i feel, it wud b different in ur case
There is power going to the monitor because it is in standby mode and when you press the "Exit" button on the monitor a message on the screen says "No Signal". It only has on board graphics and I have checked the cables. It was all working alright right up 'til I changed the battery. Any other suggestions would be gratefully received. Thanx again!
There is power going to the monitor because it is in standby mode and when you press the "Exit" button on the monitor a message on the screen says "No Signal". It only has on board graphics and I have checked the cables. It was all working alright right up 'til I changed the battery. Any other suggestions would be gratefully received. Thanx again!

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power is coming directly from the mains/ups to the monitor thats why it's on standby mode, we are not talking about that power but we are talking about the video signal coming from the graphics card either thru' onboard/pci/agp slots.

what graphics card are you using, or tell us more about your mobo, does it have a agp slot etc.
I unplugged the vga connector and plugged it back in again then popped the battery out then back in again then turned everything back on and it decided to work! Why it didn't work the other times I tried this I don't know, but it's all ready for BIOS setup now so thanks again guys!
i have this problem now and i tried what you did but it does not work.

i changed the battery and the fans still work i dont hear the harddrive boot up and there is no signal to the monitor. when i unplugg the vga cable the monitor says that it has been unplugged so there should be something there. the lights turn on the fans spin. i read around and it people say to do a cmos reset but i cant because i can't see anything on the monitor.

i tried using the cmos jumpers but that didnt do anything either i tried leaving the battery out and putting it back in but that didn't work either. does anyone know what the problem is?

i have the same problem here. I reseted bios by taking out battery for 15 minutes and now i get no signal to monitor.
There is only onboard graphic card tho. I opened the box, took out ram and put it back again,tryed with only one memory and than the other one, also did the same thing with all the cables in the pc. Nothing seems to work tho, still no monitor signal. Also tried some different monitor and no signal there as well.
There were 2 ram stick in it before when it still worked, one is 256mb 333mhz and the other is 1gb 400mhz. Yes i know both should be the same mhz, but it aint my pc so... point is it worked before. I dont know but is it possible that now when bios is set to default, the mother board demands some other mhz rams? I really dont know what else could be the problem except ram. When i start pc the lights on keyboard turn on and i get alot of beeps from pc speaker, the hard drive is not active though. At first the light for hard drive had some brief activity but now even that is gone.
I was trying to get some online manual for motherboard to see what kinda ram it needs on default but really cant see any model name on it.
The chipset set is Intel
well i have 2 options with jumpers, first one is NORMAL-factory settings that is set right now, and the 2nd one is named BOOT BLOCK - recovery. Bios is reseted though by taking out the battery which is why i have these problems now.
its not solved, i still get no monitor signal, also changed the jumpers with battery out and than i put it back in and started pc, this time hard drive was active for like 5 seconds, but lights on keyboard didnt light on. I have jumpers now back as it was, on normal-factory settings.
Filter57 said:
its not solved, i still get no monitor signal, also changed the jumpers with battery out and than i put it back in and started pc, this time hard drive was active for like 5 seconds, but lights on keyboard didnt light on. I have jumpers now back as it was, on normal-factory settings.

that is bios problem you need you reset the battery for 15 min not the monitor problem also remove the ram and power on wait for 5 min the fix the ram it will work ;) the ram could not refresh the speed at bios at lately time

if the battery does not work you need you get new battery and adjust the bios setup

and set stock speed

dont oc the pc this is risk or tweak the bios

if some member who are lot of expierment at hardware you can do what they want :p
k, guys i got signal to monitor back. Well it was like this, i left pc pluged in for whole night (withouth ram in tho). In the morning i left it run withouth ram in and than again with ram in and i just got picture, or signal to monitor. K, i can work it from here on ;) atleast i know what i m against to :p