Monitors Monitor shopping queries: help me decide

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Hey guys,
Have been wracking my brains over a couple of issues that have been preventing me from taking the plunge and ordering a new LCD monitor.

It's basically down to Dell, mainly because I want an 8-bit panel, my options being the 2408WFP, U2410 and 2709W. I'll be using this to game (not competitively), movies and a lot of text/internet/work in that order

I've done extensive reading on prad, tft central and such and still cannot fully decide. I want subjective help from owners of these monitors so I'm listing my + and - of each.

My issues with IPS/H-IPS:
1) Viewing angles not as wide as PVA
2) Some tinge noticed on some panels, especially around the corners
3) Contrast not as good as PVA, affects movie-viewing and may affect some games

The + for H-IPS and the Dell U2410 specifically will be that I'm testing an HP 2475 (same panel) and I find the colours amazing post calibration (obviously wide gamut) and the U2410 has a 'game mode' that eliminates preprocessing. CR is also pretty good

My issues with PVA:
Input lag - dunno how noticeable this is and it's been on my mind for awhile. Also no PVA panels available for test ATM so I cannot do a subjective test. How noticeable and subjective this is has been read about, but I can only guess and it's the guessing that's killing me.

So there's the crux of the issue. The problem of input lag is preventing me from going PVA. And I was wondering if all PVA monitor owners on TE can give me a hand. I've already got some advice from Naga (thanks man!) but I need a few more opinions on account of the subjectivity of lag. Anyone?

Also on the 2709W, will I notice loss of detail owing to the larger pixel pitch? Anyone with a 27~28-inch monitor with such experience?

input lag I can't notice on my H-IPS, MVA, S-PVA but noticeable on S-IPS

on 24"+ 1920x1080/1920x1200 really does lose a little detail only for text owing to the larger pixel pitch but you get used to it

S-PVA looks best to me
well the viewing angles in VA based won't be a issue since u are going to sit right in front of the monitor,as long as u don't watch above 40° off axis i.e from centre,in a IPS its around 60°.
input lag in todays SPVA monitors is just a tad above ips but acceptable as long as its around 30ms~,monitors usualy have lesser input lag then lcd tvs.due to the fact that tvs have lots of image processing circuitry.
well i would prefer a SPVA based or a( AMVA based currently no longer available in monitors)they are great for movies.
the 2709 ain't worth it imo.
Ok good. So it's PVA for now.

Adder, the price difference I'm getting between the 2408 and 2709 is only 5K. What do you say?

Just how much of a loss in quality of text are we talking about? My eyes are typically 24~30 inches away from the monitor i.e. 2~2.5 feet.
Vandal said:
Just how much of a loss in quality of text are we talking about? My eyes are typically 24~30 inches away from the monitor i.e. 2~2.5 feet.

you won't see any loss in quality of text on 27" at 2-2.5ft
Vandal said:
Ok good. So it's PVA for now.

Adder, the price difference I'm getting between the 2408 and 2709 is only 5K. What do you say?

Just how much of a loss in quality of text are we talking about? My eyes are typically 24~30 inches away from the monitor i.e. 2~2.5 feet.

well i guess the price difference ain't much for the 2709,but to me a monitor should be around 24" ,since when i play games like doom 3 or something like that,which takes place in indoor scenario,ur eyes move a lot,from one corner of the screen to another,to me it causes lots of eyestrain.which off course varies from person to person.
adder said:
well i guess the price difference ain't much for the 2709,but to me a monitor should be around 24" ,since when i play games like doom 3 or something like that,which takes place in indoor scenario,ur eyes move a lot,from one corner of the screen to another,to me it causes lots of eyestrain.which off course varies from person to person.

This is a valid point and one I have not verified. Can anyone else comment? I'd hate to be stuck with something like that.

BTW my 20.1-inch seems really small to me now, after using a 24" in office, which is what prompted the idea of buying something bigger.

^Udit thanks, 1 more point for the 27".
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