Monitoring Software for LAN


my college hostel has a LAN with over 140 connections. We have a dsl line that is a 2 mbps line that is shared by all these connections. the problem is that lots of the users are using p2p's and streaming content. is there any software available to block this content? does using a linux distro help?


Can you tell me the network topology of your college LAN?

Is there any kind of hardware or appliance firewall installed?

Blocking ports or traffic at the perimeter before it leaves for the internet would be the ideal way of taking care of things.

If there is no perimeter blocking device then you might set one up from scratch.

Have a look at dansguardian

Other than that you could install ISA 2004[Internet Security and Acceleration Server] & block traffic by configuring & writing rule sets.

Blocking p2p & IM with ISA 2004
Hey linux squid is the best to use man yo!

I would suggest that you use Squid alongwith the super duper SquidGuard


If you ned any help on squid and squidguard lemme know i recently setup Squid+squidguard in our office and man it rocks :)


nice software there Dansguard thnx :)

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